Carlos Arango exposes ‘Paradigms of yesterday and today’ in Parras de la Fuente

by time news

Last Friday, the Cultural Center “Nancy Cardenas” from Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, received the work of the artist Carlos Arango, in the pictorial exhibition “Paradigms of yesterday and today”.

The exhibition was inaugurated within the framework of the signing of an agreement between the Autonomous University of Coahuila, through its General Coordination of Diffusion and Cultural Heritagethere, there Municipal Presidency of Parras, as well as the 425th anniversary of the founding of the town.

$!Carlos Arango exposes 'Paradigms of yesterday and today' in Parras de la Fuente

The series, which has 25 works by the artist who began his training in 2005 at the Casa de la Cultura Oaxaca and is a founding member of the Studio 77 Workshop, draws influences from artists such as Jackson Pollock and, above all, of Jean-Michel Basquiatwith pieces “of wild colors and a language similar to graffiti, to communicate a singular vision of existential themes, such as the nature of happiness and the meaning of war.”

As part of this collaboration agreement, the director of Culture of Parras, Rose of Tepeyac Flowersrequested support for the restoration of the mural that is in the House of Culture of said Magic Town.

The work, created by the artist Enrique Pobladorpresents significant deterioration, and has already lost part of the images that once portrayed moments of the mexican history because for many years that patio was not covered with the dome that it now has.

$!Carlos Arango exposes 'Paradigms of yesterday and today' in Parras de la Fuente

“These 425 years tell a story of people who have worked hard and have left many things behind. The mural was one of the first things we saw. Steps must be taken to consolidate it and prevent it from deteriorating further, and once consolidated, start a restoration project to also link them with the corresponding federal authorities,” commented the sub-coordinator for Diffusion and Cultural Heritage, during the inauguration. Eréndira Herrejón Renteria

“Not all of us have all the resources, nor all the tools. Therefore we have to drink, help ourselves, lean on the institutions that have the largest number of these specialties, such as the University. In this case, for me It is very important to have that alliance with the Coordination, because I believe that we have a great university heritage, both human and physical, and that we have to take advantage of it as much as possible”, added Rosa del Tepeyac Flores.

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The exhibition “Paradigms of yesterday and today” It is located in rooms I and II of the cultural center located at 202 Ignacio Allende Street, the Historic Center of Parras de la Fuente, where it will remain for three months.

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