Carmen Huete presents “Puerta de salida”, a series about those who live with addiction but do not want to die from it

by times news cr

2024-07-05 21:37:20

“The six characters have addictions to various substances, including alcohol, fentanylthe marihuanathe cocainehe cristalThey also have other types of addictions such as Eating disordercompulsive shopping. But it is encouraging and hopeful to hear testimonies of people who suffer from the disease of addiction and who are now on the road to recovery.”

Words of Carmen Hueteauthor of the original idea and recognized producernow in a series that gives us testimony of three women and three men who live the
hell of addictions, but they don’t want to die in them.

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The six-program series is called “Exit door”and consists of six episodes that will be broadcast Saturday to Saturday starting this July 6th by Canal 14.

“Although addictions affect even children and teenagers, in “Puerta de salida” we are focusing on adults, from whom we are going to see stories where many times they deprecated or drank alcohol as children and lived a very difficult path, until they alone came to the conviction that only they themselves could determine if they were addicted or not, and then be able to take responsibility for this disease that is incurable, but knowing that there is a way to live without consuming.”

Carmen Huete expresses the above about a series whose antecedent is “Letters for Freedom”which was a milestone in Mexican public television, in which a group of female prisoners wrote the reasons why they had come to live deprived of the lives of ordinary people.

Now him Format The programme proposed by Carmen Huete has a different narrative: “You are living a second, third or fourth opportunity at life in a completely different way and our six protagonists narrate it from a kind of self-help group. However, it is very important to say that this is only the artifice in which the characters are situated. In addition, it should be noted that the programme does not propose or intend to give medical information, nor give hard data or talk about clinical consequences or consumption percentages.”

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In the interview with the cultural promoter, Carmen Huete expresses a shocking phrase: “Although the disease of addiction is incurable, living in recovery gives you life back.”

He adds that the protagonists of this documentary series “They are on the road to recovery. Something that is very important is the responsibility of the addicted patient to make his own voice heard and say, ‘I need help, I can’t do it alone.’”

In this series, Carmen adds, the six protagonists They are adults, which changes a lot when it comes to the decisions that minors can make.”

Huete explains how the series is made up:

“Son six episodesand participate three women y Tree men that in each chapter they will be giving us their testimony. And this main testimony of each episode will give rise to a series of debates between them, a chat, in which they will be able to give their opinions regarding what they saw.

Once again, as in “Letters for Freedom” I didn’t want to divide and talk about cocaine in one chapter, and another about another drug. No. In chapter one we are going to highlight the topic of childhood, how contact with alcohol or substances when you are a minor can determine the suffering of the disease in the short or long term. In chapter two we are going to talk about the disease, what its characteristics are, why it is considered a disease; we saw how to give that type of information that is very precise, but I repeat once again, in the voice of someone who suffers from it.”

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What is important is to see the diversity of paths to the recoveryconcludes Carmen Huete, whose previous series earned national and international recognition.

2024-07-05 21:37:20

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