Carolina Castagna, who is the daughter of Alberto Castagna and Maria Concetta Romano

by time news

Graduated in Medicine, she lives between Rome and Philadelphia. When her father got ill she was six years old, 13 when he died. This is how she remembered him: “Affectionate and present, but also very boyish.”

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Carolina Chestnut and the Daughter of the conductor Alberto Castagna and the dermatologist Maria Concetta Romano (called Pucci), only wife of the presenter of Strangelove. He lives between Rome and Philadelphia and, after a degree in Medicine, chose to specialize in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the Gemelli Polyclinic, the same hospital where his father was hospitalized for eight months due to a double dissecting aneurysm in the aorta. It was 1998-1999 and she was six years old.

Carolina Castagna remembers her father Alberto

In an interview with Corriere della Sera released in August 2023, the young woman remembered her parent thus: «Affectionate and present, but also very boyish. Sometimes, between the two of us, I was the adult.” Among their happy moments: «When early in the morning, sitting on a beach by the sea, with me in his arms, he taught me about the currents, the winds, the tides. He wanted me to become a good cabin boy. Two years ago I got it boat licensehe would be happy.”

Then the sudden illness at the end of the 90s: «Mum explained to me that he wasn’t well and that he wouldn’t be back for a long time. That he was hospitalized in intensive care, with many tubes around him. One day, in class, I announced that he had died. The school immediately called home. It wasn’t true. My mother understood that I needed to see him. She moved heaven and earth and managed to let me in with him. They dressed me in a shirt, cap and shoe liners, everything was too large for me. I looked like the little chemist.” When she saw him she was scared: «Especially because he no longer had a mustache and I had never seen him like this. Mom explained to me that we couldn’t come back every day, so I recorded my jokes and made a tape for him. Then one day she told me that she had heard them, I don’t know if it was true.”

Sudden death and the last memory with the parent

After seven years his sudden death due to ainternal bleeding: «Mum came back in tears and told me that dad was no longer here. It was a Tuesday. He had been fine until the day before. We had spent the afternoon together, she had bought me the Beyoncé CD. When, two years ago, I also lost Stefano, my mother’s second husband, it was hard. Dad also liked her very much: “If I had to leave you, I know that with him you are in good hands.” From them I learned that the more we all love each other, the better.” This is his last memory with him: «Shortly before he died. I had just become “Miss”, I was staying with him, but dad panicked. On the phone, my mother recommended that he go and get me the necessary supplies from the pharmacy, he was ashamed. “Pucci, but you give him the little speech afterwards, eh”. She left but returned empty-handed. Apart from a CD by Tiziano Ferro.”

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