“Carolina Cruz Reflects on Growth: ‘I’ve Learned Not to Judge or Point Fingers'”[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA1lcw93Kt4[/embed]

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Carolina Cruz opened up: “I learned not to point fingers, not to judge”

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In the most recent episode of her podcast ‘My World, My Footprints, My Truth’, in collaboration with the collective Todos Somos Una, the renowned presenter and businesswoman Carolina Cruz decided to talk about the criticism she faced in February 2022 due to comments she made on her social media regarding the decriminalization of abortion in Colombia.

The Vallecaucana took the opportunity to discuss sisterhood, sexuality, and motherhood, inviting women to “build a tribe.”

The presenter recalled that episode in her life when she was the target of criticism and attacks for an image she shared in her Instagram stories.

“I reposted it without understanding what was happening. After a long time, I understood why I was being attacked, because I spoke from ignorance and a lack of knowledge on a very difficult topic.”

Due to this image, in which she referred to abortion at six months of gestation, Cruz was at the center of a discussion about misinformation regarding pregnancy termination and desired motherhood.

“In my emotions, as a mom and not knowing much about the law, I started to give my opinion, an opinion based on what was being discussed at that moment on social media.”

The former queen of Valle and presenter of ‘Día a Día’ stated that at that time she reacted impulsively to the wave of comments raised by the historic ruling of the Constitutional Court, which approved the decriminalization of abortion up to the 24th week of gestation.

“It is a topic that many times we don’t even know how to opine about.”

At the end of the episode, the presenter reflected on reproductive rights and individual decisions, alluding to pregnancy termination.

“Every woman has her right, and our duty is to accompany them with sisterhood, care, and empathy. We have a right to have our voices heard,” she expressed.

“I learned not to point fingers, not to judge”: Carolina Cruz

After nearly two years of living this experience, the presenter acknowledged that she had to inform herself, learn, and listen to related stories to change her perception.

“When you start to understand many situations, you learn to support from empathy, from a support network, and to learn to build a tribe. We shouldn’t cannibalize each other; we should unite,” she mentioned.

At the same time, the model noted, “When you start to know and listen to those stories, your perspective changes.”

“We all have a close story that has touched our hearts, one with which we have agreed and one that we often have not.”

Carolina stated, “I learned after being very stubborn that only we, as women, can understand what another woman feels, and we can support each other as a gender.”

“It’s not about judging; it’s about embracing, supporting, and listening.”

Among some of the revelations she made in her podcast, the presenter shared that two of her childhood friends got pregnant at a young age, and her family forbade her from having a relationship with them, worried about the effect that situation could have.

In the podcast, she stated, “Today, after so many years, and now that I am a mom, I say that our parents made many mistakes because it was the knowledge they had at that moment.”

“We have so many tools; we need to build those kinds of relationships and friendships among women.”

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Her greatest lesson: sisterhood

The presenter emphasized the value of having uncomfortable conversations and called for listening to and understanding differing viewpoints, even amidst disagreement.

“It is very important that we learn to have uncomfortable conversations with comfortable people, who generate trust, familiarity, and tranquility.”

Regarding sisterhood, Cruz highlighted the importance of support relationships among women.

“Women lack that commitment to tribe. Often, we don’t even need an opinion. We need a glance, someone to listen to us.”

She also stressed the importance of creating a support network at crucial moments for women facing an unwanted pregnancy and considering voluntary termination.

“All of us have at some point had someone close to us who is making difficult decisions, but what they want is a hug, to feel safe, and not to feel alone,” she concluded.


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