Carolina Marconi, adoption impossible because she is ill

by time news

Carolina Marconi has courageously carried out her work of dissemination for years now. She faced cancer and, fortunately for her and that of her loved ones, she managed to recover from it. However, this ordeal deprived her of her dream of become a mother through her own body. She accepted this reality, suffering enormously, and now dreams of adopting. However, the path is anything but simple for her.

His mother’s illness

Interviewed by Caterina Balivo in the studio of The right time, Carolina Marconi spoke extensively about cancer and the importance of confessing to others. She has indeed chose to tell his storyin detail and with almost daily documentation, to give strength and receive it in return.

He discovered many stories and found, online and beyond, numerous sisters, as he calls them. She was not afraid to show herself in many hard and raw moments, highlighting every aspect of the disease. She was real and strong and all of this obviously changed her.

In the studio she was moved numerous times, like when she read the splendid words of her great love, Alessandro Tulli. He remembered the moment she found out everything. She was supposed to receive hormone shots, dreaming of a daughter, but instead a small lump was detected, which then required a biopsy, which began her ordeal.

Also his mother discovered that she had cancer, but preferred to keep it a secret. A deep pain, which still prevents the showgirl from talking about it openly today. She wanted nothing more than to protect her. For this reason she remained absolutely silent. Today she feels almost miraculous, but this has not taken away her desire to fight, on the contrary. She doesn’t want to give up her big dream of motherhood.

Adoption prevented

When she discovered she was ill, her reaction was “strange”. She didn’t have time for a tumor, she had to become a mother, she had a project in mind. Her mind tried to protect her from that atrocious news.

Today she is serene and aware and sends an important message. The reference goes to oncological oblivion, which represents a hope for the return to normality of those who have recovered from cancer. We are not only talking about the right to adoption, but also about the free contracting of a mortgage, for example, without the need to disclose certain informationlimiting today.

Carolina Marconi deeply hopes that the political times will be short, because many people are waiting for such a painful green light: “The dream of becoming a mother, carrying the pregnancy on my own, is a bit far away. I see though the dream of adopting a child is getting closer and closer, hoping for these decrees in a few months. I want to be a mother to my son, not a grandmother.”

She then addressed all the people who experience the tragedy of the disease. As difficult as it is, she explained, finding the strength to express, speak and “throw everything out”, is among the most important things. It’s a poison that comes out of the mind and helps you understand that you have people around you. Shielding oneself from that weight and drama only pushes a sick person further and further into their personal oblivion.

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