Carriers comply with regulations, have the insurance required by SMyT – Diario del Sur

by time news

Federal and state carriers made it known that they buy the surely the authorities require them of the Ministry of Mobility and Transportation of Chiapas, which guarantees the passenger protection and the damages that may be caused to third parties.

They explained that they cannot buy more expensive insurance, since the one requested by the authorities has the characteristics of how many Uma’s cover the people who travel in the units of the public service.

They detailed that for At the state level, the authorities ask them for 2,000 UMAS which are approximately 240 thousand pesos per passenger and in the case of federal transport son 5 mil which is equivalent to 440 pesos covers death or injury.

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Noé Pinto Pinto, councilor of the Transportation Defense Front on the coast, mountains and Soconuscoindicated that the dealers they must have a policy that guarantees the safety of passengers, driver and damages that may cause to third parties in a vehicle accident.

“All the carriers must have life insurance and we buy the one that demands the Secretariat of Mobility and Transportation of ChiapasOtherwise, they would not let us work and the ones who should be in charge of paying are the insurers”, he expressed.

He added that the carriers guarantee the safety of passengers and are the policies of theinsurers that suddenly delay payments or the problems that are being seen in Tuxtla Gutiérrez are being experienced and it is the tax authorities that must ensure that the insurance policies are enforced.

He commented that all carriers have a policy and it is the authority of transport, transit or highway who must verify that all units have their insurance and that the driver drives with his corresponding license so as not to leave users unprotected.

He stressed that the authorities are doing more and more laws to protect citizens who use public transport and for each accident or event they suffer, they have a bag of 3 million pesos to pay damages.

“The heart of the matter is insurance companies you have to pay and the relatives or affected have to check for damagebut they are administrative procedures that they have to do, because we buy insurance to protect passengers”, he added.

He revealed that as carriers unaware because they suddenly refrain from paying the insurers to those affected, but there is always someone responsible for paying, be it the insurance or the owner of the public transport concession.

He stressed that It is not about buying the most expensive or the cheapest insurance to protect users, but based on the number of umas required by the Secretariat of Mobility and Transportation of Chiapas to all transport concessionaires.

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