Casa Leopardi opens the Library to contemporary art

by time news

Casa Leopardi opens the famous Recanati Library to contemporary art with the exhibition ‘Io nel pensier mi fingo’ from October 16th to January 30th. As part of the large project that in 2019 inaugurated the celebrations for the 200th anniversary of one of the most loved poems in Italian literature, the Leopardi family announces the first exhibition of the InterValli cycle with which, one of the most prestigious places in Italian culture, opens up to contemporary art to embark on a polyphonic journey through the different languages ​​of the present and thus focus on the construction of the new.

Starting from a poignant verse of ‘L’infinito’ (1819), the first appointment of InterValli, realized with the fundamental contribution of the National Committee for the Celebrations of the Bicentenary of the Composition of ‘L’infinito’, proposes an intergenerational and international itinerary with artists born between the thirties and nineties of the last century who are confronted today with the figure of Giacomo Leopardi and with the atmosphere that animated his incomparable intellectual itinerary.

Born from an idea of ​​Countess Olimpia Leopardi and curated by Antonello Tolve, the exhibition ‘Io nel mente mi fingo’ will offer a selection of works by Tomaso Binga, Jeanne Gaigher, HH Lim, Maurizio Mochetti, Melissa Lohman, Patrizia in the rooms of the Library Molinari, Adrian Tranquilli and Narda Zapata. “The evocative power of pretending thought becomes in this exhibition a space in which reason gives way to imagination” explained the curator of the exhibition Antonello Tolve.

“The spaces of the Leopardi Library, theater of the temporary exhibition, are living places, not only for the public who uses them or the scholars who consult the works, above all because they have continued to produce culture while respecting the spirit that saw them born . – Countess Olimpia Leopardi declared – What has always distinguished the work carried out by the Leopardi family, since the revolutionary gesture of Count Monaldo, father of the Poet, to open its rooms to citizens in 1812, is to become a place of discovery, free territory for a dialogue on the very meaning of life. With this spirit ‘Io nel pensier mi fingo’ wants to be a gift to the visitors of Casa Leopardi, an opportunity to allow them to discover the connection between apparently distant disciplines, such as literature and visual art. “

Regarding the power of imagination and illusion, Giacomo Leopardi writes in a page of Zibaldone di Pensieri dated 30 November 1828: “To the sensitive and imaginative man, who lives, as I have lived for a long time, continually feeling and imagining, the world and objects are in a certain way double. He will see with his eyes a tower, a countryside; he will hear the sound of a bell with his ears; and at the same time with his imagination he will see another tower, another countryside, he will hear another sound. In this second kind of objects lies all the beauty and the pleasantness of things “.

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