Case Nada Cella, new audio of the anonymous witness released: “There were five of us, I don’t know why the others don’t speak”

by time news

The super-witness to the murder of Nothing Cella that the power of attorney of Genoa is trying to identify, she was not alone when she saw a woman, identified in Annalucia Cecere, a former teacher now under investigation for voluntary homicide, come out stained with blood from the door of via Marsala, where the accountant’s office was located where the secretary was found dead. “I don’t mention the name, but we were different, I don’t know why the others don’t speak ”, we hear in the new widespread audio interception, dating back to August 1996, a few months after the murder. “But just think that the suspect came to me in the afternoon, when I found out. And I said ‘Madonna, but you say that this morning’ that ‘went to do something like that?’. Then we talked to some girl between us she said yes, who has the audacity, when he says ‘I’ll split your head in two’ ”. In the previous excerpt, in fact, the same anonymous voice told of having seen a woman come out of the door of the murder on the day of the murder a few moments after the incident hiding something in her scooter and being stained with blood.

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