Caser will distribute its reverse mortgage through JubilaME

by time news

The insurer Caser has reached an agreement with the financial planning platform JubilaME to market its reverse mortgage, a product through which an elderly homeowner sells the bare ownership of his property, retaining usufruct until his death.

This alliance is in addition to those that the entity has already signed with other companies in the sector such as Finteca, Vittalias or Agencia Negociadora, MasVida, Premium Quality Investments or Helloteca, with the aim of distributing and extending this product in the Spanish market.

This product is intended for the group of people over 65 years of age, more than 9 million in Spain, of which 90% own a home at the time of retirement.

The Caser reverse mortgage implies that the holder receives a monthly amount from the insurance company for the equity value of his home, thus complementing his retirement pension.

«This agreement with JubilaME is in line with our objective of providing clients with access to different alternatives that help them plan their finances, in this case with a disruptive product that allows pensioners to obtain an extra income, which complements their retirement public”, indicated the director of reverse mortgages at Caser, Nuria López.

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