cases and symptoms, latest news

by time news

2023-11-27 14:47:00

2023 flu cases on the rise in Italy “as forecast for the period”. We are, in fact, “in a phase of growth of parainfluenza syndromes but the actual flu is not yet the protagonist of these pathologies”. Taking stock for Health is Fabrizio Pregliasco, a virologist from the State University of Milan who recalls how “we talk about influenza in the presence of high fever, at least one general symptom and one respiratory symptom. Currently the virological analyses, which are done on samples, they demonstrate that, as always in this phase, the so-called flu-like viruses are ‘working’ a lot. The real flu starts when the cold is really intense and prolonged.”

“At the moment – specifies the virologist – we are at what we could define as the second level of the growth curve. The peak will therefore probably occur, as happened in the pre-pandemic era, around Christmas. This is especially true for a mix of two factors: because there are more trips and movements which facilitate viral circulation and the very intense and prolonged cold forces us indoors”, adds Pregliasco.

Particular attention, in this phase, recalls the expert, goes to the fragile and to children, who are most affected because “they still have to build their ‘immune history’. As always, common sense is needed. It certainly helps to have behaviors that we have learned to know with the Covid. Vaccination is also important and becomes fundamental for fragile subjects and for those at risk, for whom double vaccination, against Covid and flu, is decisive”.

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