Cases of gender violence in adolescents are growing

by time news

2023-10-25 01:41:05

A study carried out by the ANAR Foundation has revealed an alarming increase of 87.2% in cases of gender violence in adolescents in Spain. This increase has occurred in the period between 2018 and 2022, and has been aggravated, especially in the post-pandemic period. The results of the study, called Evolution of Violence Against Women in Childhood and Adolescence in Spain (2018-2022)point out that care was provided to a total of 11,031 boys, girls and adolescents affected by this form of violence, as well as gender violence in the home or environment.

Evolution of gender violence against women in childhood and adolescence / Infographic: Anar

The study is based on a set of 20,515 cases of minors to whom the ANAR Foundation has provided help in the aforementioned period.. According to Benjamín Ballesteros, technical director and spokesperson for ANAR, the objective of the study is to understand the evolution and highlight the changes and trends observed during these four years. The study focuses on violence against women, defined by the State agreement, and adopts an intersectional approach that considers various axes of inequality, such as gender, age, disability and origin, among others. The analysis covers biological, political, economic, social and cultural aspects to obtain solid results.

The study reveals the existence of four types of violence. Firstly, gender violence constitutes 53.8% of the total cases in the universe studied. This is followed by sexual violence, which represents 11.7%. Next is domestic violence with 18.6%, and finally, other forms of violence, such as bullying, physical attacks and cyberbullying, which make up 15.9%.

In the case of gender violence in adolescents, the study reveals that 100% of the victims are women, with an average age of 16 years. 46.1% of them are in Secondary Education, 31.4% are in High School, and almost half (49.8%) have low academic performance. The majority live as a family (95.2%), either with both parents (56.4%), only with the mother (28%), or with the mother and another family member (6.2%). Furthermore, more than half of these victims are Spanish (68.8%).

In cases of gender violence in the environment, 56.6% of the victims are women and 43.4% are men, with an average age of ten years. 37.9% are studying Secondary Education and 34.2% Primary. In 50% of the cases, their school performance is low, and they live mainly in single-parent families (68.2%), with the mother in 46.7% of the cases, and with the mother and another family member in 13. ,2%. 50.8% of the victims are Spanish.

The study also shows a worrying figure: 70.3% of adolescent victims of gender violence do not report nor have the intention to do so, in contrast to 39.3% of victims of gender violence in the environment.

The study also shows a worrying figure: 70.3% of adolescent victims of gender violence do not report nor have the intention to do so, in contrast to 39.3% of victims of gender violence in the environment.

Aggressor profile

Regarding the profile of the aggressor in cases of adolescent gender violence, in 57% of the cases it is the victim’s boyfriend, and this group is mainly concentrated in ages between 14 and 17 years (63.7%).

Regarding the profile of the aggressor in cases of adolescent gender violence, in 57% of the cases it is the victim’s boyfriend, and this group is mainly concentrated in ages between 14 and 17 years (63.7%).. However, 32.6% of the aggressors have already reached the age of majority. The director of the ANAR Help Lines, Diana Díaz, highlights that aggressors usually have a position of power with respect to their partner, establishing a relationship of emotional dependency from the beginning of the relationship. This manifests itself through comments and requests for behavioral changes, which are done subtly to exert control over the victim.

In cases of gender violence in the environment, 88.9% of the aggressors are parents, and the majority are adults (86.1%). In this context, violence usually affects both the mother and the children, which involves the minors in violence against the parent.

39.4% increase in sexual violence

The study also addresses other forms of violence, such as sexual, domestic or bullying. In these cases, ANAR has assisted 9,484 female victims. The study highlights a significant increase of 39.4% in cases of sexual violence. Regarding the sociodemographic profile of these victims, 100% are women, with an average age of 12 years.

Furthermore, 13.9% of the girls served have disabilities, mostly intellectual (67.8%), and are victims of bullying. 46.1% are in Secondary Education, 31.4% are in High School, and more than 70% have low academic performance. Almost 99% live with their parents

Furthermore, 13.9% of the girls served have disabilities, mostly intellectual (67.8%), and are victims of bullying. 46.1% are in Secondary Education, 31.4% are in High School, and more than 70% have low academic performance. Almost 99% live with their parents.

Recommendations from the ANAR Foundation

Given this worrying situation, the ANAR Foundation proposes incorporating into the legal system the broad concept of gender violence defined in the Istanbul Convention. Likewise, it suggests the creation of a global policy framework

#Cases #gender #violence #adolescents #growing

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