Cash receipt: the end of systematic printing postponed to April 1

by time news

The receipt should no longer be automatic at the start of the year. But the end of its systematic printing, scheduled from January 1, 2023, will finally come into force on April 1, according to an implementing decree published Thursday in the Official Journal.

“The government has decided to postpone the date of entry into force to next April 1” of the end of the systematic printing of the receipt, a measure resulting from the “anti-waste” law, declared the cabinet of Olivia Grégoire, Minister delegated in particular to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and trade.

Why this postponement? “The context explains this decision,” added this source, referring to “feedback from distributors and consumer associations indicating that the till receipt remains for many French people an important element in checking the prices of purchased products, faced with the ‘inflation “.

An “adjustment time”

Another important element for traders, they “did not know the precise provisions of the terms and conditions for the delivery of the ticket” for lack of publication of the decree implementing the measure, which took place this Thursday, underlined the cabinet of Olivia Grégoire. Waiting until April ensures “a long enough time for them to adapt”, it was specified.

The “anti-waste and circular economy” law, passed in 2020, provided for the ending of the printing of the receipt at the end of a commercial transaction, unless explicitly requested by the customer. With the aim of reducing the production of waste. It should be noted that certain brands such as Casino, Carrefour and Système U have already stopped systematically printing the small piece of paper.

Consultation of the receipt more frequently

But since this law, high inflation, particularly on prices in supermarkets, has made it more frequent for consumers to consult the receipt. It allows them to “track their daily expenses”, as many consumer associations reminded us in April.

Twelve associations, including UFC-Que Choisir and ADEIC, had published a rare joint press release to demand that the printing of the receipt be “systematically offered” to the consumer. According to Olivia Grégoire’s firm, nearly 30 billion invoices are printed every year, most of them ending up in the trash while their small size makes them “difficult to collect and recycle”.

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