Cash-strapped state-owned enterprises in dire straits

by time news

Due to lack of funds, it is reported that there has been a serious problem in carrying out the activities of the ministries, departments and government corporation councils. Due to this situation, the maintenance of essential services of these institutions has become a huge problem, according to the secretaries of many key ministries. It is known that in some organizations finding stationery for day-to-day operations and providing overtime allowances to essential employees has become a huge problem. It is reported that there is a severe crisis not only in starting new projects in the ministries but also in maintaining the started projects. At the same time, government sources say that the outstanding amount to be paid to contractors and suppliers in ministries such as health, education, highways, housing etc. is more than twenty thousand crores. Payment of salaries to employees in many government institutions is also in dire straits, while the Paddy Marketing Board has also stopped procurement of paddy due to non-release of funds from the two state banks.

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