Castilla y León will give up to 2,500 euros for births from January 1, 2023

by time news

We are already in pre-campaign and, this Tuesday, Castile and Leon has announced that it is launching a birth bonus to promote birth rates. He is going to give one prepaid card with aid of up to 2,500 euros per birth or adoption to spend in the region. This measure comes after the controversy with Vox.

This is the ‘Family Card’ of Castilla y León

This prepaid card, which they have called ‘Family Card’will be granted to those people who have had a child or have adopted as of January 1 of this year. The amount of money will depend on the income of the families, as well as the number of children, and it can be invested in health establishments. Castile and Leon.

All the conditions will be announced this Wednesday, February 1, at the Official Gazette of Castilla y León (Bocyl). the ‘Family Card’ may be requested from Tuesday, February 7 and there will be a period of up to three months, from the day of birth or adoption of the minor, to claim it.

On the other hand, the delivery of the money will be made in two payments and through caixabankwith a initial amount of 50% of the total aid and a second paid which will take place after six months. The total sum may reach, at most, the 2.500 euros. Even so, if the child has any disability, this amount could reach 5.000 euros.

How much money will the ‘Family Card’ give?

Specifically, as explained by the president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernandez Manuecothe amount of the card for families with income up to 40,000 euros It will be 1,500 euros for the first child, 2,000 for the second and 2,500 for the third and subsequent children.

In the case of families entering 40,000 and 60,000 euros, the amount will be 1,000 euros for the first born child, 1,500 for the second and 2,000 for the third or subsequent ones. to rents that exceed those 60,000 euros500 euros will be given for the first, 1,000 for the second and 1,500 for the third or more.

With this plan, for which they are going to invest 20 million euros in 2023the Government of Castilla y León seeks to help up to 15,000 families. Fernandez Manueco He has ensured that the requests will be answered “within a few days” and the pertinent instructions will be given to use the aid.

In the same way, it has clarified that this aid is designed to be invested in the minor’s needs and in “proximity” establishments such as food, supermarkets, pharmacies or parapharmacies. In addition, he has stated that he will boost the economy and the birth rate of the community and, in this sense, he has vindicated his leadership in supporting families and the birth rate.

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