Catalonia is the third community that pays the most taxes but the tenth in resources received

by time news

2023-07-29 10:58:35

Catalonia is once again one of the autonomous communities that more taxes you paybut of which less receive, according to the Ministry of Economy’s analysis of the financing model settlement data published by the Ministry of Finance. Specifically, Catalonia is the third autonomous region that pays the most taxes – 3,153 euros per capita – but it is tenth in resources, with 2,848 euros/capita. This implies that, with the current funding model, each Catalan loses 305 euros a year. If you take into account the cost of living in Catalonia, which is higher than in other communities, the difference widens even more, with a loss of 595 euros per person. In fact, with this calculation, Catalonia is the penultimate community in terms of resources, with 2,558 euros/capita.

“The data show that Catalonia is once again harmed by an unfair and outdated modelsince the Catalans pay well above the average and, on the other hand, receive below the average”, lamented the Minister of Economy and Finance, Natàlia Mas.

The head of the Generalitat’s Economy recalled that the model “should be in place already reviewed in 2014” but “no Spanish government, neither the PP nor the PSOE, has wanted to touch it”.

According to the settlement data, Catalonia contributed almost one 17.7% more income than the average of autonomous communities, while the subsequent redistribution made it 2.1% below the average.

Catalonia’s position worsens even more if the impact of the cost of living is taken into account, being 12.1% below the average of the territories of the common financing regime, where there are no rural communities.

Madrid is the community that pays the most taxeswith 3,769 euros per capita, eleventh in resources (2,834 euros/capita), and fifteenth if the cost of living in the community is taken into account (2,412 euros/capita).

The second largest contributor to the system is Balearic Islandswith 3,248 euros per capita, being then ninth in resources (2,910 euros/capita) and tenth if the cost of living is taken into account (2,867 euros/capita).

According to these results, the autonomous community that receives the most resources per capita is Cantabria, with 3,632 euros per inhabitant, which is the fifth that contributes the most, and also the fifth if the cost of living is taken into account. They follow her Estremadura (3,422 euros per person) i Castile and Leonwith 3,411.

Councilor Mas emphasized that, beyond the “underfunding” shown by these data, Catalonia suffers from a “repeated non-execution of investments” by the State. “In 2021, the State only invested 36% of what it budgeted in Catalonia. And the State postponed ‘sine die’ the publication of the 2022 data, which were scheduled for May 30”, he recalled.

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