Catholic Church would eliminate godparents at baptisms

by time news

The proposal of the Catholic Church of eliminate the godparents at the christening ceremonyhas generated various reactions in the community.

The sponsorship is already a deeply rooted custom among believers Catholics and many of them see this decision as a mistake.

Criticism has not been long in coming of many catholics.

The decision was announced Through a statement on the Facebook page of Alife-Caiazzo and was made by the Italian Bishop Giacomo Cirulli.


According to the publication, the Church states that the decision is made because the role of godparents is being reduced formalism and social custom.

In this sense, the regulations that eliminate the figure of godfather It will be promulgated on March 20.and will enter into force from April 9 when Easter Sunday is commemorated.

The report further indicates thatin the current socio-ecclesial context, the office of godfathers and godmothers has lost, to a great extent, its original value”.

He also explains that “the mission linked to these figures, in effect, consists of accompanying the catechumens who are to be confirmed throughout the entire journey of faith and not only at the time of the celebration of the Sacrament”.

Monsignor Cirulli further explained that This proposal is not something new and controversial, since the presence of this figure was already declared as non-obligatory by the Code of Canon Law.


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