2024-08-13 03:07:49
Nanegalito, In order to enhance the quality of milk production, 21 farmers from the parish of Nanegalito, in the canton of Quito, participated in a training day on the management and administration of veterinary medicines.
The workshop was held as part of the joint actions that the Pichincha District Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) is carrying out with the company Oleoducto de Crudo Pesados del Ecuador (OCP) and its “Ollas Comunitarias” (Community Pots) program.
The purpose of this training was to contribute to improving animal health, increasing animal productivity and, therefore, optimizing the living conditions of the community’s livestock farmers, through the implementation of new technologies and adequate training.
In addition, as part of the OCP “Ollas Comunitarias” program, 40 kilos of feed for dairy cattle, 22 kilos of mineral salts, 30 kilos of molasses, as well as a kit of veterinary medicines, consisting of vitamins, deworming, tonic, needles and syringes were delivered.
Raúl Martínez, representative of the workshop participants, said that this training is very pleasant. “We are infinitely grateful for these incentives that they give us, from training to supplies. We hope that they continue to help us in this way so that it helps us more as small farmers,” he said.
Geovanny Vaca, coordinator of corporate affairs at OCP, emphasized the work that the company is doing in the provinces where the pipeline is being used and the work of social engagement with the communities. He emphasized that the Community Pots program is at the service of the neighboring communities and organizations in order to boost and recover agricultural production in Pichincha.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock focuses its efforts on providing technical assistance to small and medium-sized farmers, in order to improve the living conditions of our producers.