Caught a Chinese director who murdered an accountant

by time news

On the evening of March 30, Binh Duong Provincial Police said, suspect Yang Zhong Wu (SN 1976, Chinese nationality) – who killed the female accountant in the toilet of Vinh Nhuan Co., Ltd (Khanh Binh ward, TX). Tan Uyen, Binh Duong Province) was arrested by Gia Lai Provincial Police while hiding in Pleiku City, Gia Lai Province.

Upon receiving the information, Binh Duong Provincial Police sent a mission to Gia Lai province to receive and transfer the subject to Binh Duong for investigation.

Suspect Yang Zhong Wu.

At about 5:00 p.m. on March 29, employees of Vinh Nhuan Co., Ltd. discovered that Ms. Ly Thi M. (SN 1993; living in Tan Phuoc Khanh, Tan Uyen town, Binh Duong) was This company’s accountant was murdered in the bathroom.

Through investigation, the police agency determined that the suspect responsible for the murder was Yang Zhong Wu (SN 1976, Chinese nationality), director of Vinh Nhuan company, so he issued a notice to search for the object on the evening of 29/02. 3.

From that notice, the Traffic Police Department of Gia Lai Province Police discovered the pickup truck BKS 61C-450.00 carrying suspect Yang Zhong Wu appeared in Phu Dong ward, Pleiku city (Gia Lai), so they arrested him. subject at 9:10 p.m. on March 30.

The camera recording the incident showed that on March 29, the female accountant LTM and Yang Zhong Wu had an argument right in the company’s office. Sister M. once knelt down on the floor and talked to this man.

Then, the man controlled the female accountant, using his hands to repeatedly impact the body, causing the victim to struggle. This suspect used a knife to stab M’s body several times, then dragged the woman into the room. After committing the crime, Yang Zhong Wu left the company in a white pickup truck, number plate 61C- 450.00.

Through initial verification, the functional force determined that about 2 weeks ago, Mr. Yang Zhong Wu and the victim had an argument about the company’s loss of assets, often arguing at the company. At the scene, the police force discovered and seized a knife about 30cm long with hair and blood stains in the hand basin.

The family said that Ms. LTM is about 8 weeks pregnant.

Lawyer Nguyen Anh Thom, Head of Nguyen Anh Law Office, said that the subject’s behavior was particularly serious, and was trying to deprive the female accountant of her life, which was very barbaric, cruel, causing grief and loss. nothing compensates the family and causes local insecurity and order, so it should be handled strictly according to the provisions of law.

According to initial information, most likely due to the suspicion that the Company lost assets, instead of reporting it to the authorities, the subject had a dispute with the female accountant. Due to anger, the subject used a knife weapon, a fruit knife to stab many key areas of the victim’s body. As a result, the female accountant died in pain and was more pitiful when the victim was 2 months pregnant.

Considering the behavior of the subject showing aggressive hooliganism, using dangerous weapons to stab the pregnant female victim many times to death has constituted the crime of Murder. Crimes and penalties are specified at Points c, n, Clause 1, Article 123 of the Penal Code. The subject who committed the crime to the end and had many aggravating circumstances specified in Clause 1, Article 123 of the Penal Code, should face the death sentence as grounded and in accordance with the law.

>>> Invite readers to watch more videos of The killer in Mao Dien, Thuan Thanh district, sa net

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