Causes and Prevention of Vision Loss

by time news

Vision loss means total or partial loss of vision. Depending on the cause, it can occur suddenly or gradually in one or both eyes. Some forms of vision loss are temporary or reversible. Vision loss is relatively common. Vision problems are even among the top ten disabilities in adults and among the most common disabilities in children. Experts predict that the number of cases could rise dramatically by 2050 due to rising rates of diabetes and other chronic diseases, as well as the rapid aging of the population.

There are many possible causes of partial or complete vision loss, including medical conditions, injury, migraines, and aging. This article will look at the different types of vision loss, causes of sudden or gradual vision loss, treatments and ways to deal with it.

Types of Vision Loss

Vision loss is the term for the loss of the ability to see properly. There are different types of vision loss and it can be caused by a variety of diseases or conditions, including:

Loss of central vision, or difficulty seeing things in the center of vision.

Loss of peripheral vision, or difficulty seeing things out of the corner of the eye

General loss of vision, resulting in the inability to see anything

– hemeralopia, which leads to problems seeing in low light

Blurred or blurry vision: The person has the impression that their vision is blurred or that they are looking through a filter.

You may also not be able to see shapes or only shadows.

Causes of Sudden Vision Loss

Sudden vision loss is vision loss that occurs over a period of seconds or minutes to days. It can be caused by various diseases.


Many migraineurs experience a visual symptom known as a migraine aura. About 25-30% of migraineurs have visual aura symptoms. For some, it’s squiggly lines, shimmers, or dots. For others, it’s tunnel vision, complete loss of vision, or loss of vision to the left or right. These visual disturbances are often accompanied by headaches. They usually last less than an hour and usually last 10 to 30 minutes. Some disappear after a few seconds. Migraine treatment may include taking pain medications and staying in a dark room away from bright lights and loud noises.


Keratitis is a condition that can be more common in people who wear contact lenses than in people who don’t.

Keratitis can be caused by an infection or eye injury. Symptoms include blurred vision, pain, sensitivity to light, or loss of vision. This condition is temporary. The doctor will treat her with prescription drugs.


Conjunctivitis, also known as conjunctivitis, can cause vision loss. Conjunctivitis is an infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva. It can also cause blurred vision, redness, pain, or trouble seeing. Conjunctivitis is temporary and usually goes away on its own. For bacterial conjunctivitis, antibiotic eye drops can help.

eye fatigue

If someone stares at a screen for a long time, they can lose their sight and feel that the things they are looking at are blurry. This phenomenon is usually temporary and can be resolved by moving away from the screen and resting the eyes. The 20-20-20 rule can help prevent eye strain. This means that every 20 minutes a person looks away from the screen to look at something 20 meters away for 20 seconds.

corneal abrasion

An eye injury can also lead to sudden vision loss. Depending on the severity of the injury, it may be temporary or permanent and treatment may vary accordingly. It is recommended to see an ophthalmologist to assess the severity of the injury.

Causes of Progressive Vision Loss

Vision loss is not always sudden. It can sometimes happen over a long period of time.

macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease that can affect a person’s central vision. AMD is a leading cause of vision loss in people 50 years of age or older. It can happen very gradually or very quickly. Many people begin to see a blurry area near the center of their vision, which can enlarge over time.


Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the optic nerve at the back of the eye. Symptoms of glaucoma can develop so gradually that a person may not know they have it until an eye exam is performed. It can appear in one or both eyes. Without treatment, glaucoma can eventually cause blindness, starting with peripheral vision. Doctors use several types of glaucoma treatment, including medication (usually eye drops), laser therapy, and surgery. Treatment cannot undo the damage that has already occurred.

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a condition that causes vision loss and blindness in people with diabetes. It affects the blood vessels in the retina, the layer of light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Anyone with any type of diabetes can develop diabetic retinopathy. Therefore, it is important for a person with diabetes to have regular eye exams to detect it in time. Symptoms are not always noticeable in the early stages. Treatment may include medications, laser therapy, or surgery. In 90% of cases, diabetes-related blindness can be prevented. If left untreated, diabetic retinopathy can progress to total and permanent blindness.

When do you see a doctor?

Many types of visual impairment can be prevented with early diagnosis and prompt treatment. If a person notices that they are losing their vision, they should make an appointment with their healthcare provider to have their condition checked. This may not be a cause for concern, but it is best to seek professional advice.

If the symptoms of vision loss are accompanied by any of the following, a person should seek immediate medical attention:

– bad headache

Difficulty speaking

– droopy face

Loss of muscle control on one side of the body

severe eye pain

These symptoms could be signs of a stroke or other serious medical condition.


If a person experiences sudden vision loss, it should be treated as a medical emergency and immediate medical attention. To diagnose vision loss, a doctor may perform an eye exam. He may shine a light in the person’s eyes or ask him to read the letters on the board to measure his vision. The diagnosis may also include a neurological exam to test eye and brain function.

How To Live With Vision Loss

Coping with vision loss can be challenging, especially if it’s permanent. There are a number of things anyone can do to help themselves cope, and there are also government agencies that can help.

Methods for dealing with partial or total vision loss may include:

– Rearrange the house to make it easier to move

– Apply for social security assistance

– speech therapy

– Learn braille

Use a guide dog


It is not always possible to prevent vision loss, but people can take steps to take care of the health of their eyes.

People can practice good eye health by following these steps:

rest your eyes

Every 20 minutes, take a break from looking at the screen and look at something about 20 meters away for 20 seconds.

wear safety glasses

Wear safety glasses when performing certain activities, such as playing certain sports, construction work, or home repairs.

wear sunglasses

Choose sunglasses that protect your eyes from 99-100% of UVA and UVB rays.

Getting regular eye exams, knowing your risk for eye disease, eating right, and quitting smoking can help protect your eyes.

Vision loss can have many causes. Temporary causes include migraines and conjunctivitis. Medical conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy and AMD, can cause permanent vision loss. There are often no warning signs or symptoms of eye disease. Diagnosing and treating eye problems early is the best way to keep your eyes healthy, and it’s important to see a doctor if you’re experiencing vision loss.

* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to everyone. In any case, the information provided cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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