Cavaco Silva joins the AD campaign with praise for Montenegro

by time news

Legislative Elections

After 20 years away from the electoral campaign, the former President of the Republic called this Friday to vote for the AD to solve the country’s “economic and social problems”.

The former President of the Republic, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, joined the campaign of the Democratic Alliance (AD) this Friday, and arrived at the party’s lunch celebrating Women’s Day, calling for a vote in the coalition.

Speaking to journalists at the scene, Cavaco Silva recalled that in the last 20 years he has not participated in any electoral campaignsuntil now.

“I decided to make an exception. In conscience I could not remain silent, I consider it my civic duty. tell the Portuguese that just one vote for AD is the best solution for all Portuguese”.

“I’m here today because I know very well that Portugal finds itself in a particularly difficult situation as a result of the socialist government’s eight-year mistakes: low wages, retirement pensions that do not guarantee a life of dignity, extremely high taxes and young people fleeing their country , from our Portugal, to abroad.”

Only “a strong vote in the Democratic Alliance guarantees political stability, the resolution of the country’s economic and social problems and the change that Portugal needs”, argues the former head of state.

Cavaco Silva also praised the PSD leader, considering that “he demonstrated that he is well prepared to be prime ministerto direct the government, to coordinate and guide ministers, as required by the Constitution”.

During the campaign, Luís Montenegro “demonstrated serenity and seriousness in his speech. Only I can congratulate him for that”, he adds.

The AD Women’s Day lunch will also be attended by former social democratic leader Manuela Ferreira Leite and former minister Leonor Beleza.

This Friday, the AD also has a rally in Campo Pequeno and a youth party in the Capitol on the agenda, with the rally in Chiado having been canceled due to rain forecasts.

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