CBOS: 71 percent. appreciates the importance of the recent visit of the US president to Poland and Ukraine

by time news

71 percent of respondents appreciate the importance of US President Joe Biden’s recent visit to Poland and Ukraine; 20% ignore it. surveyed, according to a CBOS survey.

In February, US President Joe Biden paid a visit to Poland. After landing on February 20 in Rzeszów, he went on an unannounced visit to Kiev. After returning to Poland from Ukraine, he met with representatives of the Polish authorities, took part in the extraordinary summit of the Bucharest Nine, and also gave a speech to Poles in which he thanked for the support for Ukraine and its citizens attacked by Russia, and confirmed further US assistance for the defense of Ukraine and earlier declarations regarding the possible defense of Polish borders.

According to a CBOS poll, 71% of of respondents appreciate the importance of the recent visit of US President Joe Biden to Poland and Ukraine, with 26 percent believe that it was very important, and 45% says it’s big.

On the other hand, there are a minority of respondents who are willing to underestimate it, with 14 per cent. stated that it was of little importance, and 6% considered it virtually insignificant.

10 percent of respondents could not assess the importance of this visit.

Biden’s visit to Poland is more often attributed to those declaring sympathy for the ruling camp (40% of them consider it to be of great importance, and 49% as of great importance). Opposition sympathizers are less enthusiastic, but they also believe that the visit is very important (30% of them consider it very important and 45% consider it very important). Its importance is more often underestimated by respondents declaring a lack of sympathy for both the government and the opposition (18% of them considered it of little importance, and 8% considered it practically irrelevant). Nearly half (48 percent) of those who avoided answering the question about their political affiliations did not take a position on the importance of this visit.

The survey also asked about the assessment of current Polish-American relations. After Joe Biden’s last visit, 79.9 percent. of respondents assessed them positively, with the majority (56.4%) of respondents considering Polish-American relations rather good, and 23.5% defines them as very good. 13.9 percent respondents believe that these relations are currently neither good nor bad, and 0.9 percent. describes them as bad. 5.4% could not or did not want to evaluate them. surveyed.

As noted by CBOS, social assessments of Polish-American relations are currently among the best in the history of research, i.e. since October 1987. A similar distribution of grades was observed only in March 1990, when four-fifths of the respondents considered them to be good.

According to 61 percent of respondents, Polish-American relations are similarly beneficial to both sides. According to 18 percent of respondents, the beneficiaries of mutual relations are mainly the United States, and 6 percent. believes that our country benefits mainly from these relations. 14 percent respondents refrain from taking a position on this issue.

52 percent of Poles say that, in general, the United States has a rather positive influence on the world. 28 percent of respondents believe that the influence of the US on the world depends on the situation, while only 6 percent. assesses it as rather negative and the same proportion believes that it is neither unequivocally positive nor negative.

The study was conducted as part of the mixed-mode procedure on a representative named sample of adult residents of Poland, drawn from the PESEL register. Each respondent independently chose one of the methods: 1) direct interview with the interviewer (CAPI method), 2) telephone interview after contacting the CBOS interviewer (CATI) – the respondent received contact details in the announcement letter from CBOS, 3) completing the online survey on his own ( CAWI), access to which was possible on the basis of the login and password provided to the respondent in the announcement letter from CBOS. In all three cases, the questionnaire had the same set of questions and structure. The survey was carried out from 6 to 16 March 2023 on a sample of 993 people (including: 58.0% using the CAPI method, 24.6% – CATI and 17.4% – CAWI). (PAP)

author: Aleksandra Rebelińska

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