CCIB and ECOWAS work for better road transit

by time news

2023-07-14 01:24:55

Under the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin, the Coordination of National Guarantees of Inter-State Road Transit Trie / ECOWAS is holding its 18th Statutory Assembly at the headquarters of the CCI Benin. The work of this high-level West African meeting aims to define a common policy for better economic integration of the continent.

Belmondo ATIKPO

The moral report and the financial report under cover of the annual report of the statutory activities of the coordination of the National Guarantees of Inter-State Road Transit trie/ECOWAS are on the menu of exchanges between the various delegations present in Cotonou. It will also be a question during this AGO Trie/ECOWAS to evaluate the positioning of the association and the ECOWAS parent structure in the light of the reforms in progress. In addition, the delegates will cross their eyes around the implementation of the project “community transit within space”, initiated by the Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS in 2021. The 13 Member States of ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) in the implementation of their common road and customs integration policy enjoy good services from the Chambers, which are operational arms for trade facilitation and implementation. place of the industrialization mechanism. Public-law insurance houses also ensure, alongside the Chambers, the application of ECOWAS guidelines for better circulation of goods and services within the community.

At the opening of the work in the conference room of the CCI Benin decorated for the occasion in the colors of ECOWAS, the president of the Office of the Coordination of National Guarantees expressed his satisfaction with the holding of the AGO. He underlined the stakes and the objectives: “the requirements of the implementation of the customs union of ECOWAS establishes the problem of the quest for the competitiveness of companies and the rate of economic growth of our States. The question of the fluidity of transport and trade is a concern of all times and in particular for the leaders of our economic community”. Emmanuel Yado, the president of the coordination office of the National Guarantees underlined with pride: “African road transport is a gold medalist in the short-time category. Thanks to the COVID-19 crisis and the incident relating to the failure of marines who obstructed the Suez Canal and seriously disrupted traffic. However, maritime transport traffic has increased by 400% in the sub-region”. The host did not fail to note the leadership in the broad sense with a strong positive impact of the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin.

It is in the presence of economic operators from the public and private sector of the ECOWAS area, representatives of the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Living Environment and the Minister of Industry and Trade that the President of the Benin CCI, Arnauld Akakpo launched the said works of the 18th Ordinary General Assembly. The boss of the Consular elected officials endorsed the objectives underlying the holding of the statutory meeting of Trie/ECOWAS in the premises of the Benin CCI in Cotonou. “Your presence bears witness to the importance given to your organization and to the shared challenges of a fluid unified space for commercial exchanges. The smooth running of our community will be measured through the operational capacity of the institutions put in place to effectively operate regional integration for entry into the free movement of people, goods, services and capital”. The work will last two days at the end of which the moral and financial reports, scrutinized, will be adopted by the delegates of the 13 Member States.

In short, the participants will have to take stock of the application of the single guarantee within the ECOWAS countries and will conduct exchanges on the reform projects of its mechanism in the community space. They will follow the presentation of the activity and financial reports for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, then elect a new office. The delegates will also draw up the budget and the program of activities for the 2023-2024 mandate.

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Q. A.

juillet 14, 2023

#CCIB #ECOWAS #work #road #transit

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