Cdp in the sign of continuity: Palermo remains at the helm

by time news

Despite the very thick screen of smoke that the Draghi government wanted to spread around the appointment of the next CEO of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, something you can see. he was able to peek through the windows of Palazzo Chigi and pick up some noise.

For example, that Fabrizio Palermo, barring last-minute twists, it should remain for another three years at the top of Via Goito. More: it would be truly amazing if you decide to replace it with someone else.

On the other hand, when Draghi decided to replace some public manager – as in the case of Domenico Arcuri at the helm of Invitalia or Angelo Borrelli for Civil Protection – dissatisfaction, although polite and whispered, had always managed to leak.

This time, however, not a single reason was found why Palermo, which resisted the temptation to transform CDP into a sort of new Iri – despite many politicians, primarily the Cinquestelle, basically asking for it – was able to bring profitability even in a very difficult year like what you are about to conclude. Not only that, he also avoided the super trap of Alitalia (or Ita) and has instead bet on the network increasing the share of Cdp in Open Fiber and reaching just under 10% of Tim.

Of course, since Mario Draghi entered through the main door of Palazzo Chigi, many have bet on Dario Scannapieco as the successor of Palermo. On the other hand, the acquaintance with the premier is long-standing, as well as the collaboration on important dossiers. But Scannapieco entered pope and left cardinal and, as the weeks went by, his candidacy became more and more faded.

Today, less than two weeks from the first call (it will be May 20, the second on May 27) of theordinary meeting for the definition of the new board of directors, nothing has moved. This is also a sign of the times, however, because rumors, especially about such important matches, have always been on the agenda.

The new communication by Mario Draghi, managed by Paola Ansuini, it is much more “European” and less Mediterranean. We talk little, we speak in a precise way and we give only the strictly necessary information. Then, in the designated places, strategies, tasks, appointments are defined. This is the case of what happened with the fast network (or networks) included in the PNRR that made Tim fall on the stock market.

There is also great confidentiality on the lists to be presented. The Board is made up of nine members and is integrated, for the management of resources from postal savings (separate management), by the Director General of the Treasury, by the State Accountant General, by three representatives of regions, provinces and municipalities. A magistrate of the Court of Auditors attends the sessions. Currently the president is Giovanni Gorno Tempini, who is also part of Tim’s board of directors, while the vice president is Luigi Paganetto, professor of economics at the University of Tor Vergata and a very long curriculum of positions for public companies. the chairman of the CDP Supervisory Commission also heard about the possibility of a renewal of the board Sestino Giacomoni, who, while reiterating not to deal with appointments, wanted to specify that his task is “to supervise separate management, inherent in the use of postal savings, whose collection now amounts to over 275 billion, best performance of the last 8 years. The numbers speak for themselves ”. Who has ears to hear …

During the speech of confidence in the Senate, Premier Draghi stated that “The role of the state and the scope of its interventions must be carefully evaluated”, and in this sentence there is also an implicit reference to the interventions of the CDP in the latter. years.

“In my opinion – adds Giacomoni – Draghi wanted to highlight the need to clearly define the intervention of the State in the economy also in light of the progressive enlargement of the scope of intervention of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in favor of the production system with directly impacting effects on the country’s economic development. Let us always remember that CDP has a duty to act as a market player. Certain attempts at interference by the previous government did not do the CDP or the economy any good and I am sure they will not be repeated! “

Finally, there is always the Pnrr, the mammoth recovery plan which should give new impetus to Italy and which will see Cdp as protagonist.

“Everyone will have to contribute to the realization of the NRP because it is a question of redesigning Italy for the next 20 years. Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will certainly play a central role, also because it is already managing deposits of over 417 billion, well over the $ 200 billion of the Recovery Fund. In a year characterized by significant difficulties linked to the pandemic, CDP has achieved important results which have seen the Group strengthen its commitment to businesses, infrastructures and territories, also by promoting the birth of European champions in strategic sectors of the economy. (Sia-Nexi-Nets merger; Entry into Euronext; birth of WeBuild) “.

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