Cdr Tg1 writes to Fiorello: “No war, let’s think about the new space together”

by time news

“Dear colleagues and colleagues, we are disconcerted by how the legitimate defense of an information space and of one’s work, in the face of a decision on which there has been no confrontation or information with the company, is publicly transformed into a confrontation courtyard, all the more hateful as it puts us in opposition to a professional like Fiorello whom we all love and esteem “. This was stated in a press release by the Cdr of Tg1, composed of Leonardo Metalli, Roberto Chinzari and Virginia Lozito, speaking on the controversy raised by a previous press release in which the trade union body of the newspaper announced protests (and an assembly for Thursday 20 October) in reaction to the rumors of a landing of the Fiorello show ‘Viva Asiago 10’ from December in the morning of Rai1, from 7.15 to 8, in the space currently managed by ‘Tg1 Mattina’. The protest of the CDR had caused a harsh reprimand of the Rai executives association (Adrai) which invited journalists to evaluate the value of Fiorello’s return for the whole company.

“We like his satire – adds The Cdr – we do not like the bad taste satire that trivializes everything in an elementary dualism between good and bad, that ridicules and defames our work. We ask for respect for the work of many professionals, who in these months are trying to tell the general public about everyday life and extraordinary events in the best possible way, doing their duty as public service journalists. We invite colleagues who criticize our defense of Tg1 to inform themselves before writing their comments. The news of a rethinking on the placement arrived and therefore canceled today’s meeting. As a result, our meeting has been postponed for now.

“As for Fiorello, we would like to underline that we esteem and admire his creative genius and we wrote this letter to him that we decide together to make public …”, continues the Cdr.

“Dear Fiore – Metalli begins in the letter – Roberto, Virginia and I are writing to you in the name and on behalf of the entire editorial staff of Tg1, who have great esteem for your work and have always enjoyed your television inventions like everyone else. Renzo Arbore also had to deal with a newscast that stood between his brilliant innovative TV and the information: it was the Tg2 of the night, director Alberto La Volpe and the program was “Back all” from 1987. The editorial staff was warned and an agreement was soon found, the transmission went immediately after the “shortened” Tg2 of the night and for the news Renzo composed a song “I come after Tg” to better launch that edition of Tg2, defined as “a hymn to the news never thought of before “. An intelligent and profitable synergy to live serene and winning. The company was different, the TV had a great weight, everyone agreed and the ratings went to the stars. It was a great success”.

“Tg1 is not at war with anyone, as the newspapers write, least of all with an artist about whom he continually talks about the wonderful television companies. advantage of the audience. Perhaps you have not been informed, like us, that Tg1 would have lost almost 150 hours of information between now and June. Perhaps you do not know that many colleagues work for that product with great passion in the new space agreed with the network after years of negotiations. We would have liked to share these brief considerations with you and with the company. Tg1 loves artists and has always promoted them, doors open to everyone and no clashes between TV professionals. this respect for mutual work, they only talked about the war against Fiorello, which is why we would like to underline it: we like Fiorello, but with a project also for Tg1 and its or journalists “, concludes the letter for the showman.

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