CDU does not want to elect a new prime minister before the election

by time news

2023-09-01 15:49:48

The CDU parliamentary group leader in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament, Manuel Hagel, has ruled out electing a successor to the incumbent Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann from the ranks of the Green Party before the end of the legislative period in spring 2026. In an interview with the “Schwäbische Zeitung”, Hagel said: “Mr. Kretschmann is the basis of our coalition”. “In such a case, I don’t see a majority for another Green Prime Minister in this legislature.”

The 35-year-old Hagel could lead the southwest CDU as the next top candidate in the state elections; A preliminary decision on the personnel renewal of the state association will be made in November at a state party conference when a new state chairman is elected. So far it is unclear whether the 63-year-old Thomas Strobl will compete again for the next two years.

There is a lot of talk in the CDU about dealing with the Greens

On the one hand, Strobl is a guarantor for the stability of the green-black coalition, on the other hand he only had a 60 percent majority at previous party conferences and, as Minister of the Interior, he is ailing because of the police affair. The poor polls for the traffic light coalition in Berlin and the current weakness of the Greens mean that there is a lot of discussion within the CDU about how to deal with the Greens.

During the summer break, Hagel met with the FDP parliamentary group leader Hans-Ulrich Rülke for a hike, although the CDU parliamentary group had agreed to limit contacts with the FDP parliamentary group because Rülke had sharply criticized Interior Minister Strobl about the police affair . There is noticeable unrest in the CDU about the future direction of the party, which can also be seen in Hagel’s re-election result as parliamentary group leader; in June it reached only 76 percent.

Published/Updated: Recommendations: 5 Jasper von Altenbockum and Rüdiger Soldt Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 28 Rüdiger Soldt, Stuttgart Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 7

The Greens consider Federal Minister of Economic Affairs Cem Özdemir, parliamentary group leader Andreas Schwarz and Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz to be possible successors to Prime Minister Kretschmann. A spokesman for the Green parliamentary group said: “The coalition agreement has been concluded between the parties for five years and clearly regulates which side will provide the Prime Minister.” Prime Minister Kretschmann emphasized that he was available for the entire legislative period.

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