Ceci Flores, searching mother from Sonora, wants to enter the first Presidential Debate 2024 and raise the issue of missing persons

by times news cr

2024-04-11 17:34:03

Ceci Floresmother seeking Sonorashared that wants to enter the first Presidential Debate 2024 and propose the 3 candidates the issue of missing persons.

Through a video message published on her social networks, the activist asserted that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) “abandoned” the search for the missing and their familieshence He looks for someone who “enters him without fear”.

Ceci Flores He stressed that his intention to enter the first Presidential Debate 2024 It is so that whoever is the next president of Mexico, has this issue that affects the country in their priorities.

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” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” title=”CECI FLORES, searching mother, asks not to forget the MISSING 😔 | First presidential debate 2024 🗳️”>

Ceci Flores goes to the INE to enter the first Presidential Debate 2024 and raise the issue of missing persons to candidates

Ceci Flores He went this Sunday, April 7, to the facilities of the National Electoral Institute (INE)So search enter the first Presidential Debate 2024 to be able to raise issue of missing persons.

The activist said she feels abandoned by the current national president, which is why she seeks to get candidates to take the reins of the country after the 2024 elections. keep in mind the importance of this topic.

Also, Ceci Flores reproached that AMLO’s federal administration provides data that is not accurate, so Look for someone who “isn’t afraid of data”.

The searcher mother from Sonora stated that the head of the national Executive thinks that his security strategy has worked, however, she considered that This is not like this.

Thus, seeks to be heard by the candidates and the candidate for the presidency of Mexicoso that they include in their agendas the issue of the disappeared and the victims they leave behind.

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“I am waiting to enter the INE debate. I’m usually looking for missing people, for example our president. Now I’m looking for someone who can approach the topic of the disappeared and their victims without fear.

“I look for someone who is not afraid of the data, it is scary to think that they made decisions based on lying documents, the president continues to think that things are going down and he thinks that his strategy is working.”

Ceci Flores

Ceci Flores asks the candidates for the presidency “not to hide” and stop “justifying the unjustifiable”

Ceci Flores He stated that the current federal government “is already leaving”, the same as rated as “one of the darkest stages for the country.”

The search mother indicated that during the current six-year term “no one was ever safe“, well there was no certainty to go out and return home.

For this reason, Ceci Flores urged the candidates for the presidency “don’t hide” and stop “justifying the unjustifiable.”

The activist asked those seeking the presidency of the country look closely at the issue of the missingsince this has become a “monster”.

For this reason, Ceci Flores stressed that she is not seeking to speak out for any contender, as she only seeks whoever wins the presidency of Mexico in the next 2024 elections. don’t look the other way y Yes, keep this topic in mind in your agenda..

“But it’s gone, it was one of the darkest periods for the country, no one was ever safe; No one was sure of going to collect their welfare pension and be able to return home. I ask those who debate not to hide; that they no longer try to justify the unjustifiable.

Let them see the great monster in front of them. I do not come to speak out for anyone, I come as a cause that walks and hurts, and that should be in the head of the next president.”

Ceci Flores

2024-04-11 17:34:03

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