2024-04-30 08:45:51
Today in Document Management of the National Assembly, the legislator for Tungurahua, Cecilia Baltazar presented the draft reforms to the Organic Law of Jurisdictional Guarantees and Constitutional Control.
The main objective of the project is to strengthen jurisdictional guarantees and constitutional control in the country, promoting transparency, efficiency and access to justice for all citizens.
Among the main proposed modifications are the expansion of the constitutional control mechanisms, to guarantee respect for fundamental rights, as well as the improvement in the processes of access to justice, streamlining procedures and promoting the timely resolution of conflicts.
The legislator proposing the project pointed out that it is necessary to incorporate new provisions to strengthen judicial independence and impartiality in judicial processes as well as citizen participation.
He pointed out that it is the best way to preserve jurisdictional guarantees, for their operation in cases where it is necessary to protect them against attempts to divert them from their nature, object and scope.