Cecilia Morel’s words in tribute to Piñera – 2024-03-10 04:31:26

by times news cr

2024-03-10 04:31:26

The widow of the former president remembered his legacy and told some anecdotes that showed a man “hard-working, vital and with great humor.”

Cecilia Morel, widow of Sebastián Piñera, participated with her children and grandchildren in the tribute that was performed on the deceased former president at the headquarters of the National Congress in Santiago.

The activity, during which the legacy of the two-time former head of state was remembered, was also attended by the presidents of Renovación Nacional, Rodrigo Galilea; Evópoli, Gloria Hutt, and the Independent Democratic Union (UDI), Javier Macaya.

The tribute to former president Sebastián Piñera, who died in an accident in his helicopter on February 6 in Lake Ranco, It began at 8:00 p.m. sharp on Wednesday, with a minute of silence.

After almost an hour from the start of the activity, Cecilia Morel spoke and thanked the presence of around a thousand attendees at the tribute..

Cecilia Morel and a Piñera who dreamed big

Overcome with deep emotion, the widow of the former president recalled that it was a person “with great vitality, cheerful, fast. He liked to sing even in the shower and always loudly, because he could be heard throughout the house.. And he always played with his grandchildren as if he were just another child, with humor on the surface, sometimes reaching the point of being ironic, even harsh,” he said.

“But at the same time, I learned to live with a man who dreamed big. That love for Chile was the driving force that drove him to dedicate until the last day of his life to public service,” he continued.

He elaborated on the matter and stated that “How can we not remember him that same morning speaking on the phone with the Minister of Social Development and the night before with President Boric himself?. He even spoke with Corina Machado (opposition leader in Venezuela), because she also cared a lot about the situation of democracy not only in our country, but in all of Latin America.”

Later, Cecilia Morel assured that “that love for Chile was the driving force that prompted him to dedicate until his last day to public service. For decades we saw, and many of you witnessed, his inexhaustible capacity for work.”

He explained that “His days began very early in the morning and ended very late at night.. I’m watching it, and they’re going to laugh, in their pajamas, at a mini desk in our bedroom. Because he had a separate desk, but he didn’t work there, because he said he liked to feel accompanied. I will always have those memories of him“, he recalled.

red jackets

Many former collaborators from the two governments of former President Sebastián Piñera came to the Congress headquarters in Santiago. Many of them came wearing the classic red jackets that the authorities used during their mandates.

Among them were former ministers Karla Rubilar, Ignacio Briones, Gonzalo Blumel and Raúl Figueroa.

In addition, they also participated in the activity leaders of Democrats, Yellows and the People’s Party.

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