Cecilio’s desperate cry: 12 years waiting for a residence for his wife with Alzheimer’s

by time news


This 84-year-old man from Tenerife has been taking care of his wife for 15 years. He receives a pension of 650 euros, of which he allocates 325 to pay for the day center for his wife.

Cecilio’s anguish, 12 years without a residence for his wife with Alzheimer’s: “There is no humanity”

The life of cecilio hernndez it is a permanent struggle. This 84-year-old man from Tenerife has told Radio Televisin Canaria (RTVC) the ordeal he has become every day since he 15 years ago Alzheimer’s conditioned the life of his wife, Candelaria Pérez.

Since then, Cecilio has dedicated himself to taking care of her while is waiting to be granted a place in a residence, requested 12 years ago from the Canarian Government. Charges a pension of 650 euro and allocates 325 to pay for the day center that Candelaria attends. With the other 325 he has to survive. And he himself has told the Canary Islands 7 that in January he has not been able to pay for electricity and water, so they could tell him about the supply.

“I feel powerless, I can’t keep fighting. I’m already doing my best. So this has to be solved. Take her to a residence, where I can see her. I love her and I am very sorry to take her to a residence, but what do I do?“, proclaims in RTVC. Cecilio also tells that Candelaria received a non-contributory pension of about 300 euros. “This month I get a letter that she can’t collect that”reveals.

Cecilio’s situation, also with health problems, is so hard that he admits he has thought of “getting out of the way.” According to Canarias 7, the couple had five children, but only two help her parents: one is sick with cancer and the other works and helps when she can. “Where is the humanity of this world?”a desperate Cecilio questions himself.

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