Ceiling on the rise in rents, revalued APL … New measures voted by the deputies

by time news

The legislative marathon to try to come to the financial aid of the French continues. The National Assembly approved, this Thursday, the ceiling of the increase in rents at 3.5% for one year, as well as a revaluation of 3.5% of personalized housing aid, within the framework of the examination in first reading of the bill in favor of purchasing power.

The deputies thus adopted by 198 votes against 71 article 6 of the government project, after muscular exchanges between the majority and the left, which demanded a pure and simple blocking of rents. A “rent shield” is planned with a cap on the variation of the reference rent index (IRL) at 3.5% from July 2022 to June 2023, in order to limit the impact of high inflation on increases rent and to make the expenditure that households devote to their housing predictable.

In addition, the APLs paid from July 1, 2022 will be revised in advance, rather than October 1, as provided for by the law in force. The Minister Delegate for Housing, Olivier Klein, defended “balanced provisions, which make it possible to protect tenants” and gives “a possibility of an increase (in rents) for landlords”.

He said that discussions were underway with social landlords so that they do not apply an increase if they do not need it. The left-wing Nupes alliance unsuccessfully defended a series of amendments for a rent freeze until the end of 2023 or at least an increase limited to 1%.

Insufficient for the RN, “dangerous” according to LFI

“The situation of tenants has deteriorated” and the government’s measure “does not make the mesh”, estimated the communist Sébastien Jumel. “The bill is not only insufficient but dangerous” because it paves the way for rent increases of 3.5%, added Adrien Quatennens (LFI).

Nicolas Meizonnet (RN) also criticized “a very insufficient revaluation” of the APL “in view of the repeated cuts” on this allowance. The 3.5% increase represents an additional expenditure of 168 million euros for the State budget.

Via an amendment by Charles de Courson (LIOT group) supported by the majority, the National Assembly voted for a reinforced “rent shield” for overseas territories, in order to limit rent increases there to a maximum of 2.5%. In addition, the opposition deputies managed by joining together to pass another amendment by Charles de Courson, offering the representative of the State the possibility of limiting the possible increase in rents in the rural revitalization zone to 1.5% .

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