Celebrating 70 Years of Hugo Chávez: A Legacy of Freedom and Leadership in Venezuela

by time news

Latin American Summary, July 28, 2024.

The current leadership defending the independence and sovereignty of Venezuela, a legacy of Commander Hugo Chávez (1954-2013), will emerge victorious at the polls, predicted the country’s ambassador to Cuba, Orlando Maneiro.

During a commemorative event here marking what would have been the 70th birthday of the late champion of the Bolivarian Revolution on July 28, Maneiro reaffirmed that only this process and its current leaders will continue to guarantee the Venezuelan people the peace, development, and growth that they deserve.

“Chávez lives on in the mandate of President Nicolás Maduro Moros, who this Sunday, July 28, will triumph in the Venezuelan presidential elections to continue guiding the destiny of the Great Homeland of Simón Bolívar,” said the diplomat.

Celebrating 70 Years of Hugo Chávez: A Legacy of Freedom and Leadership in Venezuela

In the tribute to Hugo Chávez, held at the allegorical museum dedicated to the statesman in the capital’s Morro-Cabaña military complex, the ambassador and other speakers shared experiences and lessons from the former Venezuelan president (1999-2013) in multiple facets of his life dedicated to serving his people.

Maneiro described Chávez as a fervent defender of love for family, baseball, the Armed Forces, Venezuela, and the large excluded masses. He also had a passionate existence centered on the history and research about his country, he detailed.

The statesman was also “the communicator par excellence of the Bolivarian Revolution who provokes thought and convinces,” valued the representative of the diplomatic mission, who also recalled his program Aló Presidente and his internet portal Chávez Candanga.

Meanwhile, Laniel Gómez, president of the Federation of Secondary Education Students, highlighted Chávez’s wisdom, optimism, and leadership, which serve as an example for young revolutionaries around the world.

The relationship between the revolutionary from the South American country and the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, was described by several attendees at the tribute as “an infinite love between a son and his father.”

Present at the commemorative event for the 70th birthday of the Bolivarian commander were also intellectual and president of the Casa de las Américas, Abel Prieto, Deputy Minister of Culture Fernando Jacomino, among other personalities, ambassadors, and representatives of the accredited diplomatic corps in Havana.

Photos: Vladimir Molina

Source: Prensa Latina

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