“Celebrating said not to put a penny, working on an investor”

by time news
The course of the discussion on the issue of Betar Jerusalem (Hagai Michaeli)

Following the unilateral cut in their salaries, and the petition they filed with the assistance of the Football Players ‘Organization, the Beitar Jerusalem players’ hearing was held at the Labor Court at this time. Earlier, it will be recalled, the club management responded to the petition filed by the players when it asked the court to dismiss the players’ petition.

In a 52-page document, Betar responded to the claims of the players’ organization representing the team’s players regarding the unilateral cut in January salaries. In response to the court, it was written: “This is a complex case and not a wage withholding, but a case that deals with the question of the ability of the Betar Jerusalem football club to continue to exist.”

It is also written: “We ask the court to reject the request of the players’ organization and order the players to sign a special collective agreement without the addition of Article 8B4”. What is Article 8B4? This is the same clause on which the players insist that the 25% cut in their salary will be refunded at the end of the season even if Moshe Celebrates continues to be the owner and not just in case the club is acquired by a new owner.

Hagai MichaeliMoni Brosh when he came to the hearing (Hagai Michaeli)

In response to the court, Betar says that the club has raised money and is expected to continue to raise money up to a total of about seven million NIS (3.5 million have already been raised). In addition, a budget control regulation was submitted to the court, an appendix to Jordan Shoa’s demand for an immediate refund of the money deducted from his salary and a copy of the agreement that Betar Jerusalem expects the players to sign, except as stated in Article 8B4.

Betar CEO Moni Brosh attended the hearing, as did the group’s lawyers, Roni Mozson and Hagai Habib. Nir Alon, head of the Histadrut’s sports division and former chairman of the players’ union, also attended the hearing, chaired by Judge Sarah Bruiner Israzda. The Histadrut is also represented by Adv. Yael Shiloni.

Mozson He said at the beginning of the discussion: “Celebrating the owner registered in Betar, the club is currently operating from its independent sources until the owner sells his shares to a third party, and now we are dealing with past obligations in an attempt to save the club.” The referee said: “Currently the club can not pay and therefore he wants to cut the 25%, so that in the future the club will not be deleted.”

Hagai Michaeli“Dealing with past commitments in an attempt to save the club.” Attorney Mozson (Hagai Michaeli)

Adv. Shiloni She said: “There is a possibility that the team will also appoint a trustee or accountant on behalf of the association, as in Adumim Ashdod. We are not interested in that, but in terms of our financial position, the players and all employees should get back what they lend to the employer before the start of next season. Who will pay and whether celebrating will remain.

“We do not think Mr Celebrate withdrew his hands as he claimed, we think he is very involved, he was allegedly behind the dismissal of three players, he appointed the club’s coach, and he was also behind the transfer of funds to the trustee. “All of these things that Celebrate was personally involved in this February. Therefore, our position financially is that this commitment can be fulfilled.”

Hagai Michaeli“Celebrating was ostensibly behind the dismissal of three players.” Adv. Shiloni (Hagai Michaeli)

In response, Mozson said: “When I claim that Mr. Celebrating has withdrawn, the intention is that he does not intend to put money in the team. At board meetings a decision was made to embark on a recovery plan and it was agreed In the same breath, the three of them decided to appoint Abacus in place of Mimar who was on the agenda, for purely economic reasons.

“We will continue to make decisions on the board that includes Moshe Hogg in order to save the club. And as I emphasized, things have nothing to do with the fact that Celebrate has no intention of ever investing a penny in the team.

“Betar has no intention of fulfilling an obligation that it cannot meet. I do not oblige the workers to sign the agreement, but if they do not sign they will go to court, conduct a procedure and receive a PSD. I can pay 75%. We will not undertake a commitment that we cannot meet. Nir Alon included Article 8B4 because he committed to the players, so he would pay him. “Moshe Hogg will not sign the next agreement, and those who will sign are Moni Brosh and Eli Ohana.”

Hagai MichaeliMoni Brosh and attorney Roni Mozson before the hearing (Hagai Michaeli)

A Betar representative added: “We are in a situation where the trustee, Adv. Yitzhak Junger and everyone connected to the club, works around the clock to find an investor. “We have cut 30%, and we for the players have cut only 25%.”

Advocate Shiloni responded: “The B’Tselem has no right to say that he is not paying, to deduct these funds and to say ‘they will sue me.'” At this point the judge intervened: “Given that there is a financial problem to pay, from his point of view you will do what you want.” Shiloni said: “If it is necessary to appoint a trustee, they will do it now.”

Nir Alon He said: “It is not possible for the players to cut 25% of the salary unilaterally. It’s like in the 67th minute a player will decide to just get off the field, we do not accept the cut unequivocally.” The judge said: “The bylaws also do not allow for unilateral cuts, why do you not apply to the association?”.

Alon replied: “It is inconceivable that we are promiscuous. We have reached contacts to reach a loan agreement, a joint recovery plan, but we know for example that there is a large amount going into the team from selling a foreign player, from the derby in the lower playoffs. I told the players after we negotiated To tell them not to sign – this is a conduct not in good faith. “

Hagai Michaeli“It is inconceivable that we are promiscuous.” Nir Alon (Hagai Michaeli)

Mozson then said: “My colleague negotiated with Attorney Junger without my involvement. He has known me for 10 years, and chose to deal with him without my knowledge. I did not come with complaints, but we made a decision on the board to present to the players the recovery plan and then sit down with each of them and most of them agreed. Then the Histadrut entered into negotiations and here we are, so far we have done nothing in the dark. We are talking about a reduction and not a loan. Due to professional importance.When we came to the budget control authority was taken into account that we released players as well as the derby, and still asked to cut 30%.

“If we are in a different league, although the players will be cheaper, the income will also be different, so I can not commit to next season in any way.” The judge intervened: “I understand, there is certainty regarding this year’s budget as well.” Mozson said: “The collateral has been taken into account. When I build a budget, I take into account the gap between the expected revenue and revenue from independent sources.” Nir Alon said: “We are ready to go towards the club, but given that next year there will be a team, there is a million and a half shekels, I am ready to deploy until August, but they will pay – that is what I promised the players.”

cypress He said to Nir Alon: “It is not certain that even if there is a derby, the income will reach us, Hapoel may host, there may not be an audience.” At this point a dialogue was held between the parties without the intervention of the judge and then Mozson said: “If celebrating will put money, I pay everything, but for now he said he will not put a penny.”

Hagai Michaeli“It’s not sure the revenue will reach us.” cypress (Hagai Michaeli)

Shiloni replied: “You can, on behalf of the group, guarantee that the loan will be up to a specific date.” Mozson responded: “If Cypress and Ohana commit to it, they could later also be personally sued.” Shiloni said of this: “There are also claims that the situation the group is in is because of celebrating.” Mozson commented: “No, this is also a lack of professional success for the team. We thought there would be 18 million shekels from subscriptions and tickets and we are now at six million. Celebrating there over 100 million shekels in three years, and yet we got into the situation for professional reasons. “

Cypress then said: “We are working very seriously on an investor, but I can not commit to it. I am in order by the end of the year, we can meet our obligations by the end of the year. “

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