Celebrating the Feast of Saints: Honoring the Courage of Saint Lygeri and the Miraculous Legacy of Archangel Michael

by time news

Today, according to the calendar, there are celebrations for:

  • Vivos, Vivi
  • Evdochos, Evdochis, Doxis
  • Lygeri *

* There are also other dates when this name is celebrated.

Saint Lygeri the New Martyr of Chios

The holy new martyr Lygeri of Chios was born in the early 19th century in the village of Anavatos on Chios. She was raised with the teachings of the Orthodox faith and was noted for her physical beauty, which attracted the lustful gaze of the Turkish tyrant. Despite his promises and pressures for wealth and honors, the most beautiful Lygeri remained steadfast in her faith and refused to marry the infidel Agharin. On September 6, 1822, during the celebration in Anavatos of the miracle of Archangel Michael in Chonae, followers of the Turkish tyrant arrived in the village.

At that moment, amidst the ensuing turmoil, they violently seized the most beautiful Lygeri despite her refusal to lead her to him. Along the way, Lygeri embraced a tree with all her strength, boldly declaring that she would not deny Christ. Then, one of the followers beheaded her and fled with her honorable head towards the beach of Elinda, where the Turkish tyrant was waiting. From the blood of the athletic new martyr, her mother carved three crosses on the nearby rocks, one of which has survived to this day.

Commemoration of the Miracle of Archangel Michael in Chonae

According to saint.gr, in some place in Phrygia, the earth gushed forth holy water by the power of Archangel Michael, which healed every illness of the sick. A Christian, therefore, after his daughter was healed, built a very beautiful temple in the name of the Archistrategos on the holy water.

After 90 years, a pious young man named Archippus came to the temple. He remained a servant in the temple and lived an ascetic life with self-control. When the idolaters saw this, they seized Archippus and beat him violently. Then they rushed to destroy the temple and the holy water. But oh, the great power of the Archangel! Some of their hands were left paralyzed, and a barrier of fire stopped others, and thus they all returned empty-handed. However, their stubbornness and anger urged them to divert a nearby river to wash away the temple and drown Archippus. But again, a miracle! The river flowed backwards! Then they thought to unite two other rivers. However, Archangel Michael appeared to Archippus and, having taken him out of the temple, made the sign of the cross, and the rivers stood like a wall. He then commanded them to merge, and indeed, in a paradoxical way, to this day the waters of the rivers merge in that place. And thus, this place was named Chonae.


Tone d’.

Of the heavenly armies, Archistrategos, we unworthy ones always implore you, that by your supplications you may shield us, covering us with the wings of your unapproachable glory, falling prostrate and imploring: Deliver us from dangers, as the commander of the heavenly hosts.

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