Celebrations begin with religious rites, folk music, conferences, tastings, local crafts and games – Province of Lecce

by time news

A great celebration full of religious and civil events. Campi Salentina is ready to honor its patron saint, S. Oronzo.

The program of initiatives, which will take place from August 31 to September 2, was presented today, at Palazzo Adorno, in Lecce, by the chief of staff of the Province of Lecce Antonio Perrone, by the mayor of Campi Salentina Alfredo Fina, by the parish priest of the Parish of S. Maria delle Grazie in Campi Don Gianmarco Errico and by the president of the Pro Loco Rita Perrone.

Promoted by the Parish of S. Maria delle Grazie of Campi Salentina and the local Pro Loco, in collaboration with the Municipality of Campi, and the patronage, among others, of the Province of Lecce, one of the most engaging and significant patronal festivals of Salento returns, which will unfold for three days, between religious rites, traditions and entertainment.

The presentation was introduced by Antonio Perrone, chief of staff of the Authority, who highlighted how this is “a festive occasion not only for the city of Campi but for the entire Salento. As a Province we are happy to sponsor the great patronal festival, which becomes the soul of a town that on occasions like this finds itself being a community”.

“The festival still preserves all its most significant traditions related to the celebrations, in which one can notice the faith and devotion of the faithful who participate. A treasure of faith and devotion transmitted by our ancestors, a true moment of strong prayer. I sincerely thank Don Giammarco, a true driving force of development for our community, for having relaunched this festival and the tradition it represents, and the Pro Loco for the tireless work done, to give the city religious and civil celebrations, trying to fully respond to the expectations of the citizens of Campi and all the faithful”, highlighted the mayor of Campi Alfredo Fina.

“The rich program of this edition, the result of months of planning and work by the Committee, gives us the opportunity to experience a festive period in a spirit of brotherhood and sharing. In addition to the numerous liturgical celebrations, there are many civil and cultural events proposed, ranging from illuminations, to the band and fireworks, to shows and concerts, to the conferences of the ‘Granaio di Terra d’Otranto’, to tasting moments with ‘Calici in centro’, and to the ‘Fiera dell’artigianato locale’. All this without neglecting the poverty present in our territory, which we will address with the now traditional food collection, to give everyone the opportunity to celebrate together”, said Don Gammnaro Errico.

The festival that Campi dedicates to its patron saint is full of religious and civil events. Thursday 29th and Friday 30th, starting at 8 pm, in Piazza Libertà, appointment with the “Palio di S. Oronzo”, during which adults and children will challenge each other in the games of the past by playing a team tournament. The Palio will be preceded by a historical reenactment and music and DJ set in the square, an event promoted by the oratory Santa Maria delle Grazie in collaboration with the patronal festival committee and the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Campi.

Saturday, August 31st will begin with the matinee of the Musicampi band, which will enliven the streets of the city center and the cassarmonica set up in Piazza Libertà. At 8 pm the awaited religious moment with the silver bust of St. Oronzo that will cross the threshold of the church and, after the mayor of Campi will deliver the pectoral cross and the keys of the city to the Saint, the solemn procession will wind through the streets of the town.

Sunday 1 September, the day of the Feast, appointment at 7 pm with the solemn Eucharistic concelebration presided over by Monsignor Michele Seccia, Archbishop of Lecce. At 8 pm there will be a show by the flag-wavers of the Rione Castello di Carovigno, who will perform in the city streets and in Piazza Libertà. At 10 pm, in the live area of ​​Piazza Libertà, the grand finale with the concert of the Orchestra popolare della Notte della Taranta.

Monday 2nd September is the day of thanksgiving with the solemn Eucharistic celebration at 7pm, animated by the singing of the “Te Deum”.

Also planned are several collateral events with the exhibition of papier-mâché domestic statues “The sacred statues, a garrison of faith and devotion”, set up in the Church of S. Giuseppe, curated by the Accademia del santino di Trepuzzi. From Saturday 31, the Pro Loco organizes in Piazza Libertà “Il granaio di Terra d’Otranto” and the festival committee “Calici in centro”, while in Via San Giuseppe the second edition of the Local Craft Fair is set up. In Piazza Libertà on Sunday 2 September (at 10 pm) the cabaret show “Mamma ho perso l’Aureli” with Emanuela Aureli will be performed.

Finally, the “Festa della Carità” is planned to coincide with the patronal celebrations, a collection of food for the most disadvantaged people. Until September 6, at the “Banco della Carità” set up in the church of Sant’Oronzo, it will be possible to donate food for needy families in the Campi community.

Celebrations begin with religious rites, folk music, conferences, tastings, local crafts and games – Province of Lecce

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