Celiac bonus 2022: up to 1,500 euros for shopping, how to get it

by time news

Celiac bonus 2022: who is entitled to the voucher for the purchase of gluten free products up to 1,500 euros and how to request it

It is estimated that in Italy about 225 thousand people suffer from celiac disease and another 400,000 may be gluten intolerant but still don’t know it. This pathology forces you to follow a strict diet to avoid running into even worse health problems. Although the products gluten free are widespread today, the cost remains in many cases higher than “food for all”. To reduce expenses you can access the celiac bonus 2022.

Celiac bonus 2022: requirements and how to request it

The celiac bonus 2022 more properly it is a good shopping intended for people who suffer from gluten intolerance but do not have great financial resources. The celiac bonus 2022 therefore allows you to receive a subsidy from 627 euro as far as 1.488 euro per year. The requirements to obtain it depend on age and gender and therefore indirectly on the caloric intake that must be met:

  • 6 months-5 years: 56 euros per month
  • 6-9 years: 70 euros per month
  • 10-13 years: 100 euros per month for males and 90 euros per month for females
  • 14-17 years: 124 euros per month for males and 99 euros per month for females
  • 18-59 years: 110 euros per month for males and 90 euros per month for females
  • 60 years to grow up: 89 euros per month for males and 75 euros per month for females

The coupons of celiac bonus 2022 they can be used in all grocery stores and supermarkets with products gluen free and pharmacies.

The request of the celiac bonus 2022 must be presented at your own ASL of reference. To get it, you need one medical certification which certifies gluten intolerance and the health insurance card. It is also possible to carry out the procedure by delegation to a person affected by celiac disease.

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