Celinés Toribio on Tania Báez’s advice: “I wouldn’t mind keeping a man if I know he’s not taking advantage”

by time news

The actress celinés toribio clarified his comment on the advice of Tania Baez not bonding with someone who is socially, emotionally, and financially inferior, saying that he meant that it’s hard to find someone on the same level in all of those areas.

“I got screwed, you made it difficult for me,” was the sentence that left Toribio’s followers confused, whom they called double standards, because on other occasions he has said that he would not mind keeping his partner in an economic crisis.

Likewise, the communicator also denied that her boyfriend “Mr. Big ”is a bank janitor, but that he has no problem with any type of work and that last year the man brought more money to the house than she did.

“At the same time, it is very difficult to find a man who has completed those four or five stages and is sure of himself,” Toribio said.

“In my case, what I have brought to my partner’s table, he has also brought to my table in another way,” he added.

Toribio understands that “the economic part does not matter, the intellectual part matters, the social part matters”, although he believes that Báez “lacked it, perhaps he did not give him time in the video, not to generalize”, but in what What he does agree with the speaker is that “the other is not a psychologist or a psychologist to be curing.”

On the other hand, Toribio spoke of “the peace” that he has brought to the lives of the “millionaire men” with whom he has maintained a relationship and with whom he had no way to compete.

The former host of the missing program “Hello People” pointed out the emotional drain, exhaustion, fatigue and lack of creative energy as a consequence of this exhausting work to maintain a relationship with someone inferior. In that sense, Baez provided advice to “not become an inferior version of yourself.”

“Remember that couples are not to be saved. Couples are to complement each other, to help form perhaps the most important project: A family, ”she pointed out.

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