Censorship, authoritarianism and persecution in education will not pass! (video) 2024-03-18 20:22:39

by time news

▸Announcement of Interventions D.E.: Unrelenting struggle to withdraw all political – trade union persecutions

All on Thursday 21/3, 18:30 at the gathering at the municipal theater of Piraeus

The government and the Minister of Education continue with intensity the crescendo of authoritarianism, repression and attempt to intimidate teachers and the educational movement. For the twelfth time, they appealed to the courts so that the STRIKE – ABSTAINATION from the evaluation procedures, which had a large participation, would be illegal.

In this context we have a wave of persecutions at the expense of trade unionists and members of the Board of Directors. of the educational unions for their participation in declared strikes or for their statements to the media and MCD regarding the policy implemented by the government employees – heads of DIDE and DIPE. In Piraeus, the DDE continues the contracting of the prosecutions. Once again, “clarifications are requested” from Giorgos Kavadias, member of INTERVENTIONS D.E. and of the REVOLT RESISTANCE UNIT, for an excerpt from an article entitled: “Emergency director executive of DAKE entered the classroom for evaluation!”. The DDE Piraeus uses the arsenal of memorandum laws and the new DYK passed by the memorandum governments to terrorize, intimidate and put on “freeze” trade union freedoms and rights. It is clear that the above prosecution is another link in the chain of prosecutions of DIDE Piraeus.

Next to this is added the lawsuit against Pantelis Vainas, representative of the Public Interventions in the EU of ADEDY, by the vice-rector of the EKPA, for his statements regarding the responsibilities of the rector of the EKPA in the downfall of server, at the behest of the government through SKAI and the truth group. It was preceded by the availability and referral for dismissal of Dimitris Antoniou, member of the administration of the Federation of Administrative Employees of Higher Education for his statements and the conduct of EDE against members of the Board of Directors of EKPA employees.

The prosecutions are the continuation of the reactionary – strike-killing laws of the previous governments and the current one placing greater and greater obstacles in declaring a strike, in organizing a gathering, in carrying out a mobilization. The vicious attack that is being unleashed is not only about teachers and education. The real goal is to crush every form of popular resistance and assertion, wherever it manifests itself, before it manifests itself. There is no doubt about the targeting of the persecutions: intimidation, intimidation, hostage-taking, silencing of the fighting voices of unions that resist the anti-people policies of the EU government, the OECD and Capital.

Armed with our primary unions (ELME and SEPE), we block the mobilizations and gatheringsin the governmental policy of dissolution of the unions and in the prosecution laboratory of the DDE – DIPE and the ministry.

Now we need to intensify the struggle, where we will demand that every attempt to persecute and silence teachers stops.

The Board of Directors of OLME must immediately take initiatives, not only to have an overwhelming denunciation of the persecutions as a whole, but also to organize the political confrontation and escalation with the government at every level and issue.

No to the criminalization of free expression!

Stop all disciplinary action NOW.

To stop the prosecution industry of the DDE Piraeus. And in every Directorate of Education!

OLME, together with the IOC and ADEDY, should now proceed with the necessary decisions and mobilizations.


2024-03-18 20:22:39

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