Center-right in pieces after the Casellati flop, dispute in the Transatlantic between La Russa and Toti: “Are you celebrating?”. “I’ll let you go ahead”

by time news

Failed, with a result even worse than expected, the candidacy of Elisabetta Casellati, the free-for-all began in the center-right. The first signal was recorded by reporters in the Transatlantic, where a quarrel between Ignazio La Russa e Giovanni Toti. In fact, the two met outside the hemicycle a few moments after the news of the 71 snipers: “Have you already expressed your satisfaction with the result, are you already celebrating?”, The former FdI minister said in a provocative tone, addressing the governor Ligurian. Toti, whose group is the prime suspect for failing the votes, replied: “No, I’ll give you space, I’ll let you go on …”.

A few minutes later, still in front of the reporters’ notebooks, there was a new, very acid exchange between the two, this time near the elevators of the building. Who has betrayed? La Russa is always asked: “Look among the centrists and in Forza Italia”, he said. At that point, by chance, Toti passed again. And when the journalists reported the accusation of La Russa he counter-replied: “I would be happy if I had 70 parliamentarians”, said the executive of Coraggio Italia, but it is not like that “. And La Russa, chewing bitter: “In fact, you have half of it”.

But the clashes between the two are only the signs of what is happening inside the coalition, in disarray after the decision to send Elisabetta Casellati’s candidacy to the massacre. “Brothers of Italy, even in the fifth vote, is confirmed as a solid and loyal party,” he said Giorgia Meloni on a note in the afternoon. “Even the League holds. Not so for others. There are those in this election who have openly worked from the beginning to prevent the historic election of a center-right president. The tens of millions of Italians who believe in us don’t deserve to be treated like this. It is necessary to take note of it, and I will talk about it with Matteo Salvini, to know what he thinks about it “. The internal hunt for traitors has begun.

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