“Central theme of frailty in the new vaccination plan”

by time news

2023-07-10 19:51:13

“The new vaccination plan has not yet been made public, but its contents are known. It is substantially very similar to the previous one even if something more is said about the pediatric flu and the recalls of pertussis even in adulthood”. These are the words of Maria Triassi, full professor of hygiene at the Federico II University of Naples, who spoke at the conference ‘The anti-Herpes zoster vaccination in fragile subjects’, which was held in the Ceinge great hall – advanced biotechnologies of the Federico II University of Naples.

“A very important concept is that of fragility – continued Triassi -. There is a lot of attention on the vaccinations of fragile subjects. Today we talk about Herpes Zoster because we wonder how to protect fragile subjects from diseases that can be problematic and disabling. One of the potentially more virtuous paths is the use of the hospital, a central place of treatment as a vaccination centre, based on the patient’s relationship of trust with the specialist and with the whole structure. In this sense, each doctor, regardless of their specialization and their activity, will be able to play a leading role in correctly informing the patient about the benefits and potential risks of vaccination practice”.

“Vaccinations since 2017 – concluded the expert – have been expanded compared to the Lea, they have fully entered it. Now there is the novelty of frailty as a preferential concept with regard to vaccination coverage”.

#Central #theme #frailty #vaccination #plan

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