CEOE and unions ask Feijóo to respect the labor reform agreed with Díaz

by time news

2023-06-13 00:24:32

Spanish employers and unions They have asked this Monday that the agreements reached in the framework of social dialogue in recent years be respected in the event that, after the next appointment with the polls on July 23, there is a change of government in Spain. They have thus defended the labor reform, after the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóohas assured that he would modify it if he came to power.

Both for the president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendias for the general secretary of Comisiones Obreras, Unai Deafand the general secretary of UGT, Pepe Alvarezthe two-way and three-sided pacts that have been reached in this legislature are a guarantee of social peace, which is why they must be preserved in the long term as they are part of the constitutional mandate of the social agents and respond to the interest of society.

“The pacts are for be stable over time and have to go all the way. We will ask for respect and we will defend them. What is signed is signed”, Garamendi maintained during his speech at the joint round table organized by Cinco Días within a few days on the occasion of his 45th anniversary, and was reported by the Europa Press news agency.

In the hypothetical case that feijóo came to govern, he would modify some parts of the labor reform. Although he has not mentioned at any time the possibility of repealing it. In recent interviews, the leader of the popular groups affirmed that he would change parts of the law that “go against” the workers and the competitiveness of the companies. He also defended the one carried out by the former president of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, assuming that some points of it continue in force even after it has been repealed. He insisted that any change to it would be discussed with the social agents, although only if possible, agreed upon.

And feijóo managed to win the presidency of the Government, the first thing he would do would be an audit of spending, so as not to find uncontrolled costs in Moncloa. This “review” would also include current aid and subsidies such as the cultural voucher, cheaper train and bus trips for young people, free cinema for those over 65, etc. The second thing that is proposed is to carry out a budget adjustment plan to reach the 3% deficit that Brussels will demand from 2024 and to which Nadia Calviño also proposes to reach if the Socialists continue in power. In third place, feijóo promises a reform of the regional financing system aimed at clarifying the distribution that Health and Education receives in each community.

Spain, a country in which to trust

The consolidation of this process of social dialogue in recent years will make it possible to position Spain as a country in which you can have “great confidence”, in the words of the UGT leader, having both legal and social stability.

In his opinion, whoever wants to act outside of this context must explain it, since the public “cannot be fooled”. In this sense, Unai Sordo has also expressed himself, considering as “totally absurd” that the unions are not included in a hypothetical government of which the ultra-right is a partas he has commented what happens in Castilla y León.

“If the ultra-right enters the Government there will be a union offensive without any doubt. I fear for the Preliminary Title of the Constitution. The irruption or excessive importance of the extreme right and extreme right-wing populism is a risk for our country,” has manifested.

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Thus, both unions and employers have encouraged stay within this framework of social dialogue. According to Garamendi, although there are “many hairs on the cat flap”, an agreement “goes much further” than something without an agreement and in recent years important agreements have been reached that provide peace of mind and stability to citizens and companies. “Social dialogue is articulated and works in Spain”, he affirmed.

“Social dialogue is a compromise formula that allows us to advance less than what we all want or can, but much more firmly“, Pepe Álvarez has shown for his part.

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