Cepsa achieves global leadership in its sector in the S&P sustainability rating

by time news

2023-12-07 14:52:11

Cepsa has achieved global leadership in sustainability of the sector together with another company according to the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) evaluation prepared by S&P Global. This ranking, carried out between 165 companies worldwidehighlights Cepsa’s performance and management capacity in environmental, social and good governance (ESG) aspects.

The company has achieved a rating of 74 out of 100, which represents an improvement of three points compared to the 71 obtained in 2022 and ten compared to the 64 achieved in 2021. This significant increase allowed Cepsa to be distinguished last year as the company in the sector that raised its score the most , obtaining the recognition of ‘Industry Mover’ by the ratings. This achievement takes on greater relevance considering the evolution of the companies in the sector in this evaluation, since the companies that make up the top 20 in the industry experience an average decrease of more than three points in the last year.

According to Carmen de Pablo, CFO and Director of Strategy and Sustainability at Cepsa: “We have the objective of managing our transformation under the best ESG business practices, because it is the right path to achieving our 2030 ambition of being a benchmark for the energy transition and generating positive impacts. in all our interest groups. The leadership position in independent evaluators, such as S&P Global, encourages us to be even more demanding and helps us to continue advancing towards a greener, fairer and more sustainable future”.

Cepsa has obtained the best score in its industry in key issues such as climate strategy, risk and crisis management, and environmental management, in an analysis that includes more than 1,000 sustainability indicators. Among the factors that contribute positively to this rating is the company’s ambition to become a European benchmark for the energy transition, reflected in its ‘Positive Motion’ strategy, to lead sustainable mobility and the production of green hydrogen and biofuels by 2030. 2 G.

Other initiatives that have contributed to this result are the review and approval of corporate policies by the Board of Directors, collecting the best market practicesthe publication of the Sustainability Plan ‘Boosting Positive Impact’, which establishes ambitious commitments in terms of efficient water collection, circular economy and diversity, among other aspects, as well as the initiatives published in the 2022 Integrated Management Report, that follows the highest reporting standards.

Likewise, issues such as the incorporation of ESG criteria in the variable remuneration of the company’s management team and employees, the positive trend in recent years of relevant sustainability metrics or the accessible publication of the results of environmental impact studies and analysis of impacts and dependencies on biodiversity, underline Cepsa’s transparency, integrity and sustainable approach.

Cepsa, a benchmark according to the most relevant ESG ratings globally

Each year the company is evaluated by different ratings, considered among the most relevant by the financial community worldwide, which measure its commitments, initiatives, evolution of metrics, level of reporting and controversies, in terms of ESG. In addition to the results announced by S&P Global CSA, in Moody’s evaluation, the company has demonstrated a significant progress by obtaining 65 points in 2023, exceeding the 61 points achieved in 2022, and reaching the top 3 in its sector in Europe.

At the same time, Sustainalytics4 maintains the leadership position in the energy sector for the third consecutive year and the ‘Industry Top Rated’ badge. On behalf of Clarity AI5, the sustainability technology company that uses machine learning and big data to offer ESG information to stakeholders, positions Cepsa as the company with the best score in its sector. Finally, EcoVadis6 has recognized Cepsa with the gold medal, placing it among the top 3% of companies worldwide, a reference rating used by companies to evaluate the sustainability of their supply chain.

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