CEPYME presents the VII edition of CEPYME500

by time news

2023-11-07 21:11:45

The Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises presented today in Madrid the seventh edition of CEPYME500, a project that selects the 500 Spanish medium-sized companies that have stood out for their sustained growth and capacity for innovation and internationalization.

The presentation event of this edition of CEPYME500, held at the Madrid Stock Exchange Palace, was attended by the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luis Escrivá.

The Confederation requests that policies be established in favor of private initiative that, in addition, allow companies to innovate and anticipate consumer needs, extremes in which the CEPYME500 companies are exemplary. For this reason, it asks that government policies think about the predominant company size in the Spanish productive fabric, 99.8% of which is dominated by SMEs. CEPYME demands that regulatory obstacles to business growth, bureaucratic burdens, and the strong cost increases approved in recent years be removed, which, together with inflation and high interest rates, have narrowed the margins of SMEs and curtailed their capacity. to grow.

In welcoming the event, together with the speech given by the president of the Madrid Stock Exchange, David Jiménez Blanco, the president of CEPYME, Gerardo Cuerva, outlined the priorities of the Confederation in its defense of SMEs as well as the main concerns about the adverse environment that they suffer, of high costs and regulatory burdens that prevents their growth at the levels of their European counterparts and contains the progress of Spanish GDP and employment.

On the occasion of the ceremony to recognize the fastest growing Spanish SMEs, the director of CEPYME Studies, Diego Barceló, presented the Business Growth Report, which identifies the obstacles that SMEs suffer when it comes to gaining size, as well as some solutions to Reverse the situation.

CEPYME500 is an initiative of the Confederation that started in 2017, as part of CEPYME’s strategy to promote the growth of the Spanish business fabric. This project has the support of Bolsas y Mercados de España (BME), Official Credit Institute (ICO), Banco Santander and Informa.

The companies selected in this edition of CEPYME500 have sustained a compound annual sales growth rate of 15% in the last three years. Its accumulated turnover in 2021, the reference year for the selection, was 13,000 million euros, with 36,199 employees (an average of 72 employees per company) and an average profitability of almost 19%. By sectors, commerce stands out with 35.4% representation in CEPYME500 and industry, with 26%. Specifically, medium-sized Spanish industrial companies with high growth potential have demonstrated a high capacity for adaptation and an investment focus on innovation and modernization.

Being a CEPYME500 company also allows you to participate in the CRECEPYME business accelerator, a strategic project of the Confederation through which large companies in the country mentor medium-sized companies to help them improve their projects and achieve their aspirations more quickly and efficiently.

Directors of two CEPYME500 companies, specifically Gloria Pets and Panel Sandwich, have shared their experience in business growth, in a colloquium led by the Director of Economics of CEPYME, Francisco Vidal.

The event continued with a debate on the growth levers needed by the Spanish productive fabric, led by the general director of the Institute of Economic Studies (IEE), Gregorio Izquierdo, as well as the representatives of the institutions that support the CEPYME 500 project: the president of the Official Credit Institute (ICO), José Carlos García Quevedo; the managing director of BME Growth and BME Scaleup, Jesús González Nieto; the Director of Companies of Santander Spain, Asier González; and the CEO of Informa D&B, Juan María Sainz.
At the end of the event, CEPYME500 awards were presented to a large group of selected companies.

Of these companies, some notes are worth highlighting. Basically, the defining element of a successful company is great ideas. From construction or transportation companies that have opted for efficiency to weather rising costs, to technology companies that have opted for innovation and conquering new markets, to those that adapt to new environments such as sustainability, innovation, digitalization or recycling, CEPYME500 companies have become leaders in the Spanish productive fabric despite suffering from adverse environments.

The Confederation considers that, since great ideas and determination manage to forge a CEPYME500, it is necessary to help more Spanish SMEs, which would be much closer to European standards with support policies instead of those that provide an increase in costs. accumulated costs, a narrowing of margins and a reduction in opportunities.

#CEPYME #presents #VII #edition #CEPYME500

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