Cgil and Cisl, no to houses in industrial areas reiterated: “Protect citizens from damage caused by noise pollution” – News

by times news cr

2024-07-23 11:46:41

BOLZANO. CGIL/AGB and SGBCISLregarding the Municipal Acoustic Classification Plan (PCCA) believe that “the document should be free from political observations. If the PCCA is a technical document, it should maintain neutrality. Phrases such as the one that alludes to delocalizations are not appropriate. If, on the other hand, the PCCA takes on a political connotation, the parts of the text that provide for incentive interventions for businesses linked to hypotheses of delocalization should be drafted by those who represent the citizens with consequent full assumption of responsibility”.

The unions share “the objective of protecting citizens’ health from the damage caused by noise pollution. We therefore believe that the definition of noise limits and the adoption of measures to comply with them is an important measure. With regard to the impact on economic activities, we believe, in order to protect the economic-productive system as well as jobs, that the industrial production area should be considered in class V regardless”.

“We also want to reiterate, as we have already stated several times, our opposition even to the potential for residential settlements in the production and industrial area. Living in residential areas that guarantee the quality of life of residents must be a right for everyone. The creation of new spaces for primary housing needs – which are absolutely urgent – must be achieved through various interventions, both by recovering unused buildings, empty barracks, as well as limiting and discouraging the tourist rental market and the purchase of second homes. Urban expansion beyond the current building boundaries can also be a hypothesis to consider, as long as it is not carried out in areas dedicated to production, is the result of urban planning that takes into account the harmonious overall development of the city and is guided by the public hand to avoid speculation and favor the housing needs of the resident community”, concludes the joint note between the two union parties.

2024-07-23 11:46:41

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