Chairman of Esem Dan Proper retires from his position after 56 years in the company by Davar

by time news

Dan Proper announced his retirement from Osem, after 56 years

| Nitzan Zvi Cohen, Devar News

The chairman of the board of directors of Esem, Dan Proper (81), announced on Sunday his decision to retire from his position after 56 years in the company.

Dan’s father, Eugen Proper, served for many years as CEO of Asem. Proper the son joined the company in 1966 and two years later was appointed to manage the company’s plant in Bnei Brak. The production of the pasta that was in the factory.

In 1981 Profer Sr. retired from the position of CEO of the company, and Dan and his brother Gad were appointed jointly as CEOs of the company. In September 1985, the Proper family got into a dispute with the other shareholders in the company after they asked to issue the company on the stock exchange.

In January 1986, they asked to resign from their positions and sell their share in Esem’s holdings (17.4%), but after no buyer was found for the shares, Proper returned to serve as CEO – a position he held until 2006. In 1990, he won the industry award in the food category. In 1996, he initiated the negotiations that eventually acquired Nestlé 10% of Osem’s shares and later, members of the Proper family sold all their shares to Nestlé for approximately NIS 1.2 billion. In 2016, Nestlé removed Osem’s shares from trading on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

Over the years, Proper continued to serve on the company’s board of directors and also served as chairman of the industrialists’ association for 6 years. In 2006, he received a certificate of appreciation from the Histadrut for maintaining normal working relations in the barn during his tenure.

Profer wrote in his retirement letter:

“On the 80th anniversary of Asem, and at the end of 56 years in which I had the privilege of filling a series of key positions in the company, I am ending my duties as the company’s chairman.”

Read the full article on the Devar news site

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