challenges and opportunities for the future

by time news

2024-04-07 14:03:03

The conference on “Digital transition and artificial intelligence: challenges and opportunities for the future” promoted by ANGI – National Association of Young Innovators in collaboration with the Offices of the European Parliament in Italy is underway. Appointment on Monday 8 April from 9.00 am at the Europe Experience in Piazza Venezia 6, Rome.

The conference aims, through a comparison between the main stakeholders from the world of business, institutions and universities, to delve deeper into the risks and opportunities on crucial issues for Italy and Europe, in reference to the role of artificial intelligence and the digital transition.

Numerous actors were called to intervene including: Carlo Corazza, Director of the European Parliament Offices in Italy; Guido Scorza, Board of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data at The Italian Data Protection Authority; Brando Benifei, MEP and head of delegation of the Democratic Party in the European Parliament; Beatrice Covassi, MEP, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament; Paolo Atzeni, Director of Capacity and Skills Development at the National Cybersecurity Agency; William Nonnis, Technical Operational Analyst for digitalisation and innovation at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, PNRR Mission structure; Maurizio Pimpinella, President of the Association of Payment Service Providers and the Italian Digital Hub Foundation; Giovanni Zazzerini, INSME General Secretary; Luana Lavecchia, Public Policy and Government Relations Manager, Italy and Greece TikTok; Marcello Ferraguzzi, President of the Odcec Subsidized Finance Commission; Andrea Romagnoli, Project Manager of Lazio Innova; Paolo Cancelli, Director of the Pontifical Antonianum University; Dario Carrera, Social Innovation and Impact Economy Impact Hub Rome; Massimiliano Ambra, Rectorate of Innovation and Relations with Industry at the Campus Bio Medico University of Rome; Pietro Lanza, Director Sales Technology IBM; Nicola Grandis, CEO of ASC27; Matteo Saltarello, CEO and Co-founder of TAC; Stefano Toro, Founder of Prolaw.

“We are pleased to have promoted, in collaboration with the European Parliament offices in Italy, this important conference which aims to highlight crucial points for the economic and social development of Europe. We are grateful for the participation of so many institutional authorities and delegates from the business world. A special thanks to the director Carlo Corazza and to the entire EP working group” – thus Gabriele Ferrieri President of ANGI.

#challenges #opportunities #future

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