Challenges for the president-elect

by time news

2023-10-27 07:05:00

Certainly the starting point begins with campaign promises. This must be transformed into a reality in the shortest time due to the particularity of this election whose mandate is abbreviated. If you want to achieve this, it is necessary to get rid of the narco-terrorist Constitution and its scaffolding, taking advantage of the questions approved in opinion 7/19/Rc/19 through a popular consultation that allows you to strip away the monster of 21st century socialism and its corruption whose pus gushes out. .

This period will not be exempt from multiple difficulties, starting with the cost of subsidies that generate a chronic deficit in public finances, wasting resources whose benefits are questionable. If the patronage of populism is left aside. The economic gap would be closed by directing these resources to the areas of education that need to be updated with a radical change; health where the entire value chain must be strengthened and made transparent, both in what is managed by the Ministry of Public Health and what concerns multiple aspects of Social Security – IESS.

The social sectors need a total reengineering to cover the shortcomings of the rural and marginal urban sectors, including the issue of security, which is the one that causes the most anguish to the entire Ecuadorian population from its multiple aspects.

The learning phase for the president and his team will not let up in the face of the already present threat of dry weather and the country’s delicate financial situation. It must find the most direct route for the country to offer adequate legal security, which allows it to compete with neighboring countries for attracting international investment funds, which there are for the region. Our country could proportionally catch up with its neighbors where investments arrive multiplied by 10 compared to Ecuador.

Another issue that cannot be left aside is the lack of employment for millions of fellow citizens where the decree that prohibits part-time and hourly jobs for young people must be repealed. which would immensely benefit many activities related to tourism or others and would allow mothers who work at home to attend to certain spaces that make it easier for them to improve domestic finances. All of this must be in compliance with mandatory insurance affiliation, even partially.

This would require the legislature to update the obsolete current legal framework that prevents reaching full or optimal employment. It is important that this reform makes the work environment more flexible, making it more efficient, productive and competitive in our projection of the local and global market.

The citizens must be restored to peace by fighting firmly, without contemplation or truce, both the organized crime that is rampant in the country; as well as defeating the corrupt practices that have emptied the fiscal coffers and that have subjected the State.

Ecuador’s recovery towards a virtuous path demands profound changes in practically all the institutions and activities of the three powers of the State so that they move in synchronization towards a vision of where we want the country to be by the year 2050 or 2075. How they do it the developed countries. This would allow establishing a roadmap setting objectives and meeting goals with profound changes that protect life, liberty, property, the family unit and the nation.

We cannot leave aside discovering those responsible for the murder of Fernando Villavicencio, and expelling all undocumented immigrants, as painful as this may sound, when there are thousands of compatriots who choose to emigrate due to the lack of opportunities in their own country. According to China’s vision, crises are opportunities and this could allow the elected president to transcend.

#Challenges #presidentelect

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