Chamber of Councillors: New developments for the start of the academic year and the promotion of the cultural sector at the centre of the oral question session

by times news cr

In response to questions from advisers, the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, indicated that the number of beneficiaries of the “Pass Jeunes” application reached 100,000 young people during the trial phase launched by the ministry in the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region.

Mr. Bensaid explained that his department aspires, after a year of launching this application “which strengthens trust between young people and state institutions”, to reach millions of young people by generalizing it on a national scale.

Regarding the damage suffered by some historical sites following the Al Haouz earthquake, Mr. Bensaid specified that between 70 and 80% of these tourist sites in the city of Marrakech are once again open to the public, adding that the restoration and reconstruction of other damaged or collapsed sites will require more time and specialized work in collaboration with other sectors concerned.

On the other hand, the Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament, Government Spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, who spoke on behalf of the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Abdellatif Miraoui, noted that the 2023-2024 academic year will see the opening of new university residences in Taza, Kenitra and Agadir, as well as the extension of two residences in Rabat and Nador.

He explained that the capacity of these university residences reaches 1,300 beds in Taza, 1,800 beds in Kenitra and 1,600 beds in Agadir, mentioning in this sense the extension of the university residence of Nador by 820 beds and the university residence Souissi I by 1,200 beds.

On another note, Mr. Baitas stressed that the current academic year will be marked by the strengthening and diversification of training courses for the bachelor’s degree cycle, thus bringing the total number of these courses to 1,037, compared to 570 programs during the previous academic year.

At the beginning of this session, a statement from the House of Advisors was read out on the deterioration of the situation, the outbreak of military actions in the Gaza Strip and attacks on civilians.

The House of Councillors explains the situation in the region by the blocking of the political perspective, thus undermining the two-state solution.

She also praised the Kingdom’s constant efforts, which are part of its bilateral and multilateral relations in accordance with international and Arab benchmarks, with a view to achieving a peaceful, just and comprehensive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on the two-state solution living side by side in peace and security.

2024-08-24 13:51:31

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