Champagne-sur-Seine: Having become a deputy, Michel Gonord will leave the town hall for the National Assembly

by time news

2024-10-06 17:30:38

“When he asked me to become his deputy last June, I told him: I owe you, as long as you don’t become a minister. And Jean-Louis (Thiériot, outgoing LR MP for the 3rd constituency of Seine-et-Marne) he replied to me: there is no chance! » This happened four months ago… Since then, Jean-Louis Thiériot has been appointed Minister Delegate for the Armed Forces and Veterans, on Friday 27 September.

Mayor of Champagne-sur-Seine since 2014, Michel Gonord (Horizons) will have to resign from his mandate because he will automatically become a deputy. Concretely, the person elected in the Montereau-Fault-Yonne constituency will return to his place at the Palais-Bourbon on 27 October. “You have to wait a month when you go from substitute to deputy,” he explains.

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