Changes in the real estate tax of the Province. How to know how much will be paid in the next ARBA installment with the new calculationThe real estate tax in the province of Buenos Aires will have an update in its installments throughout the year that will be determined with each one; The coefficient that ARBA will use for quota 2 is already knownBy María Josefina Lanzi

by times news cr

Of you can know the valor updated quota 2 of the tax urban real estate of the Province, entering the ARBA website, from which it appears that the update coefficient is 1.20.

As a result of a change in the calculation that was communicated yesterday but without determining what that calculation would be, it is now known that by entering the ARBA website the owners can find out the value of their quota 2. In any case, There is a lack of clarity about how the coefficient of the 1.20 applicable to said fee. At least it is possible to go to the ARBA page and calculate “by hand”, but it is not known exactly what variables this new coefficient weights.

To exemplify, one can observe two cases of real updates of the real estate tax of the Province of Buenos Aires, as it would have been before and after the new coefficient:

Example of two cases of real real estate tax updates of the Province of Buenos AiresSebastián M. Domínguez CEO of SDC Tax Advisors

Property tax installment 1 expired in February and installment 2 will expire in April. Although the discount coefficient of 1.20 is lower than current inflation, “The majority of taxpayers have not experienced a proportional increase in their income,” says Sebastián Domínguez, tax accountant.

This means that, in addition to the tax increase in 2024, the update by coefficients is now added, along with an 8% monthly interest rate for late payments from March 1, creating a difficult situation for those who cannot pay on time.

And furthermore, Domínguez adds an additive: the legality of the new calculation that will be made from installment 2. “As for the legality of the update, it could be violating the principle of Reservation of Law, since the way of calculating the coefficient should be established in the Tax Law instead of being delegated to ARBA,” expresses the tax accountant and adds: “Although this form of updating could be legally questioned, the costs and complexity of initiating legal actions individually could discourage taxpayers.”

In addition to the tax increase in 2024, the update by coefficients is now added
In addition to the tax increase in 2024, the update by coefficients is now addedShutterstock – Shutterstock

What changes has the real estate tax had recently?

The Tax Law of 2024 established that the amount of the Real Estate tax -in its basic and complementary components- and the Motor Vehicle Tax -regarding motor vehicles and sports or recreational boats-, A coefficient established by ARBA will be applied to them at the time of issuance of each quota.which may not exceed the interest rate of the Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires in 30-day discount operations, increased by up to 100%.

Before the recent resolution, the five installments of the real estate tax that were paid were equal. The calculation of the tax was carried out at the beginning of the year based on the tax base provided by ARBA, applying a table of progressive rates with the increase limit established by law with respect to the previous year.

Hereinafterthere will no longer be five installments with the same value, but rather each quota will be updated by a coefficient. Yesterday, through Regulatory Resolution 12/2024, the annex to Resolution 8/2024 that established the methodology that was going to be used to calculate the coefficient was repealed, and it was established that this will be calculated by ARBA at the time of issuing the fees, according to the weighting of economic variables that the collecting agency carries out and up to the limit of what is established in article 137 of the tariff law. That is Until yesterday, the way in which the adjustment would be made was changed but the new formula had not been established nor were any details given in its calculation.

ARBA will establish the coefficient to be used before each installment, which prevents the owners from knowing when they will pay each year or even in the next installment until the time comes.
ARBA will establish the coefficient to be used before each installment, which prevents the owners from knowing when they will pay each year or even in the next installment until the time comes.Luciana Mata

In the words of accountant Domínguez: “This last Resolution caused greater uncertainty because it indicated that ARBA will establish the update coefficient according to the weighting of the economic variables that it carries out, up to the limit provided for in the Law.”

Starting today, as explained before, by entering the ARBA website You can now know the updated value of installment 2 of the Urban property tax, from which it appears that the update coefficient is 1.20.

It is worth noting that, recently, ARBA eliminated the benefits for payment on time and for adhering to the electronic bill or the automatic debit systemfurther increasing the value of the real estate tax for those who usually complied by paying on time.

Who pays the real estate tax?

In the case of rentals, According to the contracts signed under the now repealed law, the real estate tax was the responsibility of the owners, so those who have current contracts signed under the rental law enacted in July 2020 and repealed in December 2023, but that remain valid until their end, it will be the owner who will have to assume this additional cost. At the moment, with the DNU of Javier Milei in force, which repealed the rental law, The payment of real estate tax depends on what is established in the agreement between the parties.

The property tax is paid by the owner of the property, even if it is rented
The property tax is paid by the owner of the property, even if it is rented

Domínguez details what happens If the owner has more than one property in the province of Buenos Aires: “Each property is analyzed separately and then the scale it falls on is examined according to the sum of tax bases to determine the increase that corresponds to it.”

In the city of Buenos Aires this same tax is updated based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the same city. In detail, the index is applied five months back. For example, in January 2024 the CABA CPI for August 2023 is applied, in February the September one and so on.

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