Changes to the Basic Vaccination Schedule for Children: What to Expect in the Next School Year

by time news

2023-06-26 21:44:21
Basic vaccination schedule for children adjusted: this will change from next school year

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For meningococci, babies have until now been given a vaccine at fifteen months that protects against meningococci of variant C. From July, this vaccine will be replaced by a combination vaccine that protects against meningococci of variants A, C, W and Y.

A meningococcal infection is a serious bacterial disease that can cause meningitis, inflammation of the brain or blood poisoning (sepsis). The expansion of the vaccine comes after advice from the Superior Health Council, after it became clear that infections with the disease caused by variants W and Y had increased in the years before the corona pandemic.

Free and highly recommended

Like the other vaccines in the basic vaccination schedule, it is not a mandatory vaccine, but vaccination is strongly recommended. The vaccine, which is free, can be ordered by doctors and other vaccinators from July. Taking into account a minimum delivery time after ordering, the first vaccinations will then take place a few days later, so from July 5 or 6, says Joris Moonens of the Agency for Care and Health.

A second change in the basic vaccination schedule is that the second vaccination against measles will now take place in the fourth grade instead of in the fifth grade. The vaccination therefore shifts from the age of 10 to 9 years. This dose is usually given through the CLB during a medical consultation at the school.

The change comes after a recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO). Babies receive the first vaccine against measles or rubella at the age of 12 months.

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